Adult Bed-wetting: Do You Know All You Need to Know?


Staff member
When we think of bedwetting, we usually think of young children. However, adult-onset of bedwetting affects many adults. Also known as secondary enuresis, it is the involuntary release of urine during sleep. Primary enuresis refers to bedwetting that starts in childhood and has continued nonstop through adulthood.

According to Healthline, if you or someone you love experiences one-time bed-wetting as an adult, you likely have nothing to be concerned about. However, persistent and frequent enuresis may be cause for concern and signal larger-scale issues.

Common Bedwetting Symptoms
Frequency, urgency or a burning sensation when urinating

Straining, dribbling or other unusual symptoms with urination

Cloudy or pinkish urine, or bloodstains

Being unable to control bowel movements


Adult bedwetting can be a sign of an underlying medical or emotional issue.

Possible Causes of Adult Bedwetting

Neurological problems

Urinary tract infections

Prostate enlargement and/or cancer

Structural or anatomical issue

Bladder cancer

Obstructive sleep apnea

Anxiety, major life changes, and other stressors

How to Monitor Your Bladder
A doctor may start by asking questions about symptoms and your health history so it is good to start a daily journal.

Here are a few questions to answer:

How many trips do you make to the bathroom each night?

How much urine do you void each time you go to the bathroom?

How often do you wet the bed each night?

How much water do you drink before bed?

Is urinating painful?

Do you have any other symptoms?

Your doctor may recommend a physical examination as well as testing, which may include:


Urine Culture

Uroflowmetry – measures how much and how quickly you urinate

Post-Void Residual Urine Measurement - measures the amount of urine in the bladder after voiding

Ultrasound of the Kidneys and Bladder

Blood Test

Sleep Test

Neurological Evaluation

Psychological Evaluation

Products & Tips
Use a waterproof bed pad or mattress protector to keep your bed and furniture as dry as possible.

Wear the best fitting overnight incontinence products to bed. tab-style briefs and absorbent pull-on style underwear of all sizes can help you drier and more comfortable throughout the night. Using the best overnight diapers can help you sleep better and prevent leaks.

Additional items to consider adding to your list include:

Skincare products to prevent irritation. Protective skin care products can include moisture barrier ointments and cleansing sprays to make bedside cleaning easier.

An alarm to prompt voiding during the night.

Bladder-healthy foods to promote bladder health.

Books and other reading material, as well as podcasts, can provide important information and tips. View our list of recommended books and podcasts.

Adult bedwetting can be embarrassing and disruptive. If you are experiencing frequent bedwetting, especially during the evening, it may signal a serious issue that requires the attention of a physician.
Good info. I've been bedwetting nearly my whole life. Some day wetting when I was 3-6 yrs old and mid teens. Wet every night until around 18, with only a few dry nights, probably dry less than 10 times a year. Started to stay dry at night around 18 most nights, with occasional wetting. Never did completely stop. Continued off and on for several years, only to return again. Wore no diapers or plastic pants when I grew up, as they were difficult to find. Was always soaked head to toe. My bedwetting returned at age 27 full force, and continues to this day. I wear diapers and plastic pants now,as you can readily find them. Haven't had a dry night for years. I am now 68.
Aren't we fortunate to have so many choices of diapers, pads, plastic pants,etc? And everything is easily bought online.

When you were growing up, nothing like that was available. Was it awful waking up wet and cold so often? I bet you never got good sleep, and people of every age need adequate sleep. Now, with the proper nighttime protection, bedwetters can sleep literally, like a baby! :-)
artiejr said:
Good info. I've been bedwetting nearly my whole life. Some day wetting when I was 3-6 yrs old and mid teens. Wet every night until around 18, with only a few dry nights, probably dry less than 10 times a year. Started to stay dry at night around 18 most nights, with occasional wetting. Never did completely stop. Continued off and on for several years, only to return again. Wore no diapers or plastic pants when I grew up, as they were difficult to find. Was always soaked head to toe. My bedwetting returned at age 27 full force, and continues to this day. I wear diapers and plastic pants now,as you can readily find them. Haven't had a dry night for years. I am now 68.

What did they say was wrong with you?
I had virtually no tests done until I was around 10. Didn't find anything, except deep sleeper. Restricted fluids after dinner, didn't work. Tried some meds, didn't work. Continued to wet until about 18, stopped suddenly for a few months, then off and on until about 27. Returned then until this day. Had some other tests to rule out cancer, stones, etc. all ok. Determined heavy and deep sleeper. Was given ok to handle it on my own. Recent tests showed all ok.
I was just about to go read this same post on Northshore’s website but now I don’t have to. Thanks for posting it
I get a bit upset at some articles about adult bedwetting because while I get that they want to make sure that people are checking in with their doctor if it’s happening to them, there are also quite a few of us it seems where there’s not exactly a reason why it’s happening. But the articles always make me so concerned that I must have some serious affliction for this to be happening. My doctor has done some tests but we are both comfortable with the fact that it’s just a symptom of my anxiety.
@eliott29 I agree. That’s why I was scared to go to the doctor because I didn’t want nothing to be wrong and also because I kept talking myself out of it literally because absolutely nothing else is wrong with me except night time wetting
Bedwetter said:
Aren't we fortunate to have so many choices of diapers, pads, plastic pants,etc? And everything is easily bought online.

When you were growing up, nothing like that was available. Was it awful waking up wet and cold so often? I bet you never got good sleep, and people of every age need adequate sleep. Now, with the proper nighttime protection, bedwetters can sleep literally, like a baby! :-)

When I was growing up and wetting the bed I did wear protection. It was in the form of cloth diapers and plastic pants. I wasn't a big fan of wearing such at the time, but I have grown to understand the practicality of the garments. The only other things back then were something called Staydry Panties a forerunner of Goodnights. I had a stepsister who wore them. Never quite understood why most did not wear protection back then. At least that is what I think.
Those stay dry panties was similar to plastic backed underwear, not very absorbent. It was like wearing nothing. I usually wet multiple times at night, as I do now. It was extremely rare to wake up during the night. I would wake up and put on dry pajamas, put a towel over the wet spot, and go back to sleep, only to wet again later. I still wet multiple times a night, but 99% of the time, no leaks. I wear a overnight cloth pull-on diaper with plastic pants.
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