Abdominal muscles


Staff member
The title of this thread is likely ambiguous. But I am starting to feel my muscles do what I would think that Kegels are aimed to achieve. I got to go, I can feel the sphincter try to open, and a drop slides through the constricted urethra. But at the same time, the “holding it” sensation kicks in. The muscles seem to be tense instead of relaxing.
Those who have OAB or prostate issues, I want to know if you experience this as well.
I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but those are signs of neurogenic bladder or detrusor/ sphincter dysenergia.Simple rpterms your detrusor is compressing but the sphincter is no longer opening in sync. I’ve had the same issues for 30+ years, except the harder I push the pain increases incredibly in my case. 5 minutes later I have a full void! Awfully frustrating to stand there trying to void, then BAM empties itself! This can be very dangerous, as this drives the pressure back into your kidneys strong enough to destroy them, and it can happen quickly. My only choice was a permanent Sphincterotomy , or 30 years of indwelling catheters to keep the pressure down.
If I were you I’d either go to the ER or call the Urologist and DEMAND immediate care. Once those kidneys are gone…. Not only that you could end up stretching your bladder so bad, you’ll be forced to cath all the time because your bladder is to stretched to get it all out!
Please keep us posted, this is not something to mess with!
@Sprung87 I am hoping that the ablation does the trick… I know renal backup is dangerous, so that is why I pushed to get the procedure instead of thrown on another pill.
Well, it sounds like @Sprung87 has had a totally different experience than I have with Kegels. I *do* have Neurogenic Bladder. When I flex my Kegels, they feel and work just as you described. I guess time will tell which one you’re experiencing.
@Sprung87 “BAM!” says it perfectly… I just passed so much urine unexpectedly. But thank God I was within seconds away from the toilet and managed not to make a mess this time.
This is only my individual story, and we know everyone has their own experience, and Snow is correct in getting the Kegels done right is critical as some people have a much harder time getting it right Initially I did a MILLION kegels thinking “I’M GOING TO FIX THIS MYSELF” Not only was it self delusion in my case, it only made matters worse for me because I strengthened the floor & outer sphincter so tight not only was it almost impossible to get a catheter in there to empty me out, I now get those horrible cramps in the “Taint” to use a highly medical term of course!
When the sphincter cramp hits it’s like a railroad spike being pounded into that area. The only relief is a Valium a hot pack & a hot epsom salt bath.
The ironic thing is I saw my neurologist on Monday and she suggested doing Kegels to tighten the abdominal tear I got as a special leftover from my body spasms. So far in the last 14 months since I was given the “Wrong Medication” that caused the strokes and the worst body spasms you can imagine. I have torn what was left of my right Patella ligament in my knee, and torn my abdominal muscles from my breast bone to below my navel.
In this day and age I must admit it’s quite odd to do a sit up and see what looks like a baby’s head poking out of my body…. All you ladies out there can call me what you want, all I can say is Thank You! If we’re up to Men to bring a baby into this world, the human race would long be extinct!
@Sprung87 I’ve done too many Kegels, too, and always keep my pelvic floor tight to the point that I can no longer relax it to have pain-free sex. That’s okay with me, though. I’d much rather have fewer pee accidents than fleeting sex.
@MAM You need to learn to be less critical of people here when they’re trying to help you. Keep up the criticism and you’ll stop getting help.
@snow Huh? I have been gracious of the help. My last comment was an affirmation that Srpung87 was right. The incident happened when I didn’t want it to. I just was grateful that I didn’t leave a puddle on the floor this time.
It’s hard to be this vulnerable to people who O don’t know personally. If my attitude is being perceived as critical, I apologize.
I think this is the first time I’ve ever disagreed with you! I put off having that Sphincterotomy almost 30 years ago because it was absolutely irreversible, and I knew that the minute I woke up some young Doctor would come running in yelling wait, wait WE FOUND THE CURE!!! And I’d have screwed myself forever..
Since any chance of stopping the leaks is still a zero, and falling. Actuality I’m meeting my Urologist tomorrow to discuss trying Botox which would hold my sphincter open all the time, taking away the 2-3-4? Very painful spasms and Full bladder voids a day, and reduce it to a constant trickle. My thoughts are the ability to wear lighter protection and the ability to change on a somewhat regular basis. I’d just assume leave it alone, but I’m getting some blood from my kidneys again and just can’t risk damaging anything else!
Back to my point, BRING ON ALL THE SEX!!! I’m happily married 20 years to an amazing woman! We take a few precautions, but in “That State” is about the only time I can’t leak! It’s such a great stress reliever!
@Sprung87 Interesting that you said that the doctor mentioned that he offered “the cure”. My urologist used those same words when offering me the option to have the ablation. This is the first time I’m thinking “****! What if it makes things worse?” I am not saying that your remarks are not a bad sign, but just ironic.
Sorry to bother you again with this but what nerves are the trying to turn off? I’ve had nerve ablations done on both knees in attempt to bring the pain down until I can deal with the knee replacements. My left knee is still numb 4 years later, while after 2 attempts my right knee is killing me.
A lot of these Docs will assure you this is exactly what will help you, where a good Neurologist or Anesthesiologist will tell you at best these are 50/50 propositions, and are far from an exact science, especially if we’re talking about such a nerve rich environment down there, often no way to tell what exactly is going to get numbed or turned off. I know here in North Carolina they have to do a test prior just using numbing agents that wear off after an hour or two. The ablation is chemically burning the nerve receptors / nerves.
How are they justifying this procedure? What are they turning off? If you are getting this repaired, then I see no reason to risk this procedure, and it is a risk.
Genital Ablation is just an insurance approved term for Chemical Castration performed on men for sex reassignment, and the insurance companies pay a lot for it..
Just something I’d give a deeper dig. I’m at 33% success, but after that, no way would they get near my “Parts”!
@Sprung87 The urologist is going to laser away the portion of my prostate which is constricting the urethra. A common procedure from what many of my peers have told me since they also had it done for BPH. I hope that clarifies.
I would also avoid ablations. My aunt and cousin have had them in their knees, necks, and back and they didn’t amount to anything but increased pain. My back/neck doctor wants to do them in my neck and shoulders but they won’t be getting the privilege. You should definitely read very carefully about every potential surgical option online before going through with it. I’ve wasted two arthroscopic knee surgeries per knee when I should have just not wasted the time, money, or recovery pain and gone straight for knee replacements instead. My doctor just wanted to make the money from what will be six surgeries when all is said and done. Should have just been two surgeries.
I agree completely on the arthroscopic knee surgeries, especially when it comes to cartilage “REPAIRS” what a joke! Once it’s torn, it’s torn. You will get just as much relief with rest & natural healing.
If they go in and put a nice clean edge on it it’s about 90% it’s going to tear again unless you are completely sedentary. The bone can’t rotate up smoothly, like bumping a parking block which stretches the socket even worse.
This told to me by my current surgeon who is going to do the inner replacements only as the outside is in perfect shape other than I re-tore the cadaver tendon they replaced 15 years ago. I’ve had 7 on the left, 8 on the right. All of the heavy bag work outs doing sweep kicks & spin kicks really aren’t ideal for the knee joints. That’s why in competition, the smart fighters knew to get the knees first, then it becomes much more like hitting a heavy bag it hurts so much just to move!
@Sprung87 I just had a scan for osteoporosis today, which my grandmother and aunt had. I have severe osteoarthritis everywhere throughout my body… knees are finished - so bad they can barely even accomplish replacements on them. Hips are starting to go, wrists, fingers, feet that like to shatter in the middle of the night, teeth falling out like crazy because they’re shrinking despite tons of extra care (my dentist ordered the DEXA scan today), bad neck and back, sometimes bad shoulders. Two kinds of cancer already. I’ve been putting off the knee replacements for 10 years already, thanks to taking so much Aleve and Tylenol that I’ve messed up my intestines. Ive been getting quarterly corticosteroid knee and neck injections for a decade. I’m only 46. This is as good as it gets for me and it’s already hell. The only thing I really enjoy any more is my cat and the few times it barely snows now, thanks to stupid global warming. I haven’t been pain-free since 2009; I can’t imagine more than maybe one more decade of putting up with this shit; there’s no way I will make it for multiple decades. Good thing I knew by age 19 that I had my grandmother’s knees so I skied and backpacked and rock and ice climbed and worked on movie sets like crazy while I was young because once I hit 40 a few years ago, it’s been a sedentary life for me ever since. Even once I get my knees replaced, that won’t change my spinal stenosis nor repair the 50% of my vertebral discs that are severed. Suicide has been on my mind multiple times per day for years already (no, I never go through with trying, yes, I have a psychiatrist, yes, I have an LCSW therapist, yes, my friends and family know how I feel). Sometimes I think I shouldn’t even bother going through the agony of getting knee replacements because I don’t know how much longer I have left in me. The broken bladder is the icing on the discomfort and inconvenience cake. Then there is the expense of all my meds and procedures and how obnoxious it is to have work under these conditions. Life is just getting to be less and less worth fighting for, just to be stuck feeling miserable. Yes, I write gratitude journals, no, they don’t really help, and pumpkin seeds? Give me a break!

Yet a few days ago somebody on this forum had the audacity to ask me for sympathy for *their* pain, like 98% of us on the forum *aren’t* in severe physical physical and emotional pain, also? That person knows who he is.

I know there are people on the forum who are way worse off than I am, like ThatFLGuy and MezaJarJarBinks, and I absolutely feel for them, because I know that others aren’t able to, or refuse to, empathize or sympathize with me, also.
this pretty much made me cry!! what you, Snow, and so many others go through so much every day!! i am soooo sorry! big hug!!
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