A strange pain since I had prostate removed


Staff member
Hi All, ever since I had my prostate removed I’m getting a burning pain in my ass cheeks when I sit for long periods of time. Has anyone else experienced this? My urologist says it’s not from surgery and I went for an mri which showed nothing. This only started after surgery so I’m thinking it has to be related.
It hurt me to sit for several months after the surgery. It wasn't a burning pain, it was one of tenderness down there. It seemed to subside after several months.
Strange that you mentioned this. I have a similar experience. The burning pain is on my right upper thigh (outside); it is not intolerable but annoying. Generally it feels like a combination of numbness and pain, occasionally a shooting pain (like current passing through). My urologist and family doctor do not think it is related to the surgery, but it started about six months after surgery and I dont see any other risk factors associated with it. The doctors advised me to use loose clothes - have tried it, including not wearing tight underwears. But the pain persists. Would like to see if others have experienced this and if there are sufficient number of us, I would like to pursue this as a research study (I am an epidemiologist by training, LOL).
Interesting. I am 8 moths since prostrate removal. I had upper thigh pain starting about three months after surgery. It is on the top of the upper leg/thigh on the left leg but inside near the groin area. I have no explaination for this but it has been extremely persistant. I though maybe a hip joint problem but saw an orthopedic surgeon, had X-rays, etc. My hip was fine except for some arthritis and he had no explaination for the pain.
The only time I don’t have this pain is when I get up in the morning. Mine is also more on the right side. I was just doing some research and it looks like it could be nerve damage caused by the surgery. I sit on an air cushion and that helps a little.
How active were you prior to surgery? What else has changed in your routine? I walked a lot and did a lot of yard work prior to it. After surgery I was far more sedentary than I had ever been. I was sitting on the couch for longer periods with no real exercising beyond kegels. I started having all shorts of aches and pains that had nothing to do with the surgery according to my urologist. The best help you will get is from an excellent physical therapist that specializes in pelvic strength.
I was vey active before surgery and I’m still active, I’ve been walking about 10 miles a day for many years. Nothing has changed in my routine other than having the surgery.
You might still see a physical therapist. They are very in tune with your skeletal alignment, muscle tension, etc. You also say it appears when you sit for long periods of time.
I'm with Klew11. I had terrible shoulder pain(rotator) and thought they must have twisted me around somehow. It went away as soon as I could get back to my exercise routine (about 4 months). It took a while to get back to exercise because my recovery was delayed as the surgery was a salvage prostatectomy 10 years after radiation and anti androgen. My advice; exercise as soon as you are able.
I’ve never stopped excerising, that’s what makes this more frustrating. I’ve increaed my walking speed over the last few months and even lost some weight. I thought this might help. Thanks for your reply.
I am 2 years post surgery robotic and have something similar was told with split leg table that they did not move my leg enough during surgery and that caused nerve damage. It might clear up over time it does seem to be a little better.
Sounds like it could be upset muscles inflammation pressing on nerves.
How’s your back feeling?
Walking and anti-inflammatories like Tylenol could help
Your body experienced a traumatic procedure. I’d see what a family practice DO doctor thinks
@JoeAK My back is ok and I walk about 10 miles a day. My local family practice said they don’t know what it is. They sent me for an MRI and it showed nothing. The only thing that changed in my life is I had that surgery.
JosephC, sorry, the comment I posted about a possible hernia was to the people that were complaining about pain in the upper thigh. I honestly have no clue what your pain could be. Hope you find an answer!
Joseph C
Following up on my earlier post in reply to your post, I have now come out of the nagging pain on the upper thigh. Found out an easy solution (completely by accident). I started doing aquafitness and the pain has now disappeared. (I did the usual walking and other exercsies before which did not help).
I will look into this aquafitness as I’m still not feeling much relief. I’m so frustrated after being in pain for nearly 4 years. Thank You
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