A lot of answers but only small steps.


Staff member
Yesterday was my follow-up with my surgeon. It went well but still no plans for a big surgery. We are re-doing botox next month to try to get the spasms to stop and then when I see my main Gi doctor I have a bunch of questions to ask.

Doing the botox again now makes sense because my bowel is not connected so that means the worst thing that can happen is that I have too much mucus to deal with but it is worth the risk to try to get the spasm to stop even if the botox is a temporary fix.

The hope is that my main GI doctor will have more answers.

Over all A lot got done it a quick time so not what I wanted but it is a small step in the right direction.
@ThatFLGuy Why don’t any of your providers want to you give the surgery you want so badly? Are you getting pain meds yet?

A lot of things were talked about. My surgeon doesn't want to risk removing my bowel, colon, and anus because of things that were found recently. I have diversion colitis from what might be my ostomy surgery or I have had colitis all this time. If we do the big surgery there is no going back. Right now my ostomy out is of major concerns. My surgeon is just a surgeon and not a Gastroenterologist so he doesn't want to do something without a second opinion on the GI side effects of the big surgery. I am seeing my main GI doctor next month and then having Botox injections into my rectum again regardless of what she has to say. I am going into that GI appointment with the pretence that I will be replacing that GI doctor for good. I have the department heads contact information and will use it to get what I need if my current GI doctor doesn't have any answers or doesn't agree to see me more than one every 18 months.

All in all the colonoscopy done back in October showed that I have to get a few more tests before doctors decide that only another surgery will fix the issue. Surgeon is sending a list of things for my GI to go over and it is kind of a little test to see if she actually reads it this time. If she doesn't open it I will know.

Also GI is the one that will determine if I need something else for nutrition and might speed up some tests so I hope she is ready to do her job this time around.

Nope getting my hopes up and surgeon has a few people on his list that I will be sent to if GI doesn't have any answers.

So my journey is not over infact it is just starting.

The good news is that my in real life friend and I have been talking daily and gotten close even if we don't get to see each other face to face because of driving distance.

That's made life good have someone else to talk to that gets it and doesn't find anything to be TMI. She use to be an EMT so saw it all.
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