A Good Movie! 🎬


Staff member
Hey yall; Honeeecombs here!

So weve been talking about food; but you know what goes good with food? A Good Movie!
I remember when i was little, growing up in the United States - and only having channels 2-20 (my parents didnt go digital until like the mid 2000s. They were late to the party) but anyway. I remember we would get a channel called "TBS Superstation" and they would have a "Dinner and a Movie" program where they would show a movie, and in between commercial breaks they would pair the movie with a dinner which would be cooked on the show.

That was how growing up, watching Forest Gump, The Green Mile, and all sorts of classics growing up.

Well anyway, it got me thinking because recently; ive been in the Horror/Supernatural Genre due to my significant other liking the genre, but recently ive watched them and kind of not been feeling the spirit.

What i mean by that is, how far is too far when it comes to portraying demons and the occult in films in hollywood? I watched Killer Klowns from Outer Space the other night (you cant go wrong with that classic) - but thats harmless horror. But take a movie like The Conjuring where they literally re-enact supernatural events based on true stories....ehhhh, i dont know if thats a good thing to do. I love a good sci-fi scare though; Signs with Mel Gibson is a good one that gives me the heeby jeebies - but i was also thinking about the future and any of you guys who have kids - are you concerned with the desensitization of hollywood culture as more mature themes are put into films?

Take Inside Out for instance which is a Disney Movie which handles depression. Its a cute movie of course, but i have to ask myself - when i have kids, do i want to show them a movie that deals with a topic of young adulthood and adulthood and have them exposed to themes such as depression? Maybe im overanalyzing things - but Hollywood is not like it used to be for myself growing up in the very late 90s and through the 2000s.

Anyway, what movies do you guys enjoy? And any good movie recommendations? Im unfortunately without internet at this time, so my significant other and myself are slowly building a blu ray collection which honestly is nice to have (i totally recommend going out and buying movies for movie nights and making popcorn and the works - theres so many cheap classic titles you can find at stores like FYE and even Dollar General that make for a better exprrience than turning on Netflix).

Hey back at ya

My thinking is horror and paranormal movies are straight up unhealthy for the mind especially for child but trigger areas traumatized in the adult abuse survivor.
Case in point my neice had full on psychotic episodes and hallucinations appeared to be schizophrenic after a childhood of these horroraranormal entertainment???movies and her mother also unbalanced verbally abusive. I told my brother !any times it was a recipe for disaster. After a series of self cutting and a serious suicide attempt talk therapy ization agoraphobia and insomnia and medication she grew out of it in about five years. Of course thats just one example.
@Maymay941: Absolutely! Totally agree on that perspective. There is definetly movies and films out there that is triggering to us all.

Like anytime somebody is abused or screamed at; is a huge trigger point for myself. I remember when I was a teenager; I was working the drive thru of a job and this guy came through with his wife/gf and you could tell he was extremely abusive and the wife/girlfriend did something wrong and he just reamed her out right there with no regard for us in the restaurant.

I got so fired up that I wanted to run out to the front of the restaurant and give him a piece of my mind. Gosh, this had to have been the very early 2010s.

But that's real life, but even in media in can be very triggering and scary.

Good thoughts @Maymay941!
I find feeding the mind peaceful joyful bor beautiful information is enriching.
I have interest in life after this life but n in manufactured ways
I was traumatized by the Green Mile.
@Maymay941: in regards to manufactured ways? I'm assuming you are referring to Hollywood and Films and Digital Media.

What are some of your hobbies and such to spend time with other than on the NAFC Community? I enjoy Legos, movie collecting and video games.

Also, last night after I got outta work, I was thinking about how we haven't seen @BarbaraDrabek in a while. I hope she is doing okay.

Thank you for asking Honeee(I wish I had a different name to address you by you are so personable.
I thought of Barbara D yesterday myself. She has had a lot to cope with.
I spend most of my days administrating a dog rescue I helped form based in Florida when I lived there caring for my hospice mother (an as a home patient caregiver for others for a living)as a way to engage with people who were kind quirky and interesting. I take care of a family child without a father now also but most of my days I am hotly organizing and communicating with dog fosters and dog applications in Florida from my newer home in North Carolina. I have always done the rescue by phone and email after years of hands on fostering and handling the intake and out meeting with dogs to adopters on the daily as our rescue grew in strength and efficiency to being highly regarded for our quality Adoption process of which I'm fiercely proud. They joke I must work twenty hours a day as a volunteer and they might be right it's seven days a week day and evening.
I collect and restore antique dolls which you see as my profile as they represent my spirit which is what I bring to NAFC.
I have a few good friends in the doll community we chat as I do NAFC to get a switch from the highly emotional and demanding dog rescue. This can explain my time popping in here often to catch a break and my peculiar simple "recipes" on your cookbook post.
I love music of the 60s and some indy wich treat myself to you tube concerts.
I watch Britbox under mystery be and don't read so much now used to be a bookworm.
I do ASMR and follow some intellectual you tube discourse as I all asleep to enrich my brain
I just posted a very painful self biography of my journey to join NAFAC on the Cavilon (sp?) Post. I will not revisit that life chapter again for at least a year if it is of interest but do not expect me to elaborate it's one chapter of a very rich exciting well travelled life of a Life Dancer.

I have a educational background in social work.
@Maymay941: All right there is enough information for me 🙂; that sounds wonderful that you are still actively involved in the dog rescue.

Doll Collecting is very popular from what I hear; I remember as a boy after my parents divorced - my dad had a girlfriend that would collect Barbie Dolls. Her Dining room had a wrap around shelf along the top of the wall that had Barbies all wrapped around the room.

Gosh, Itat brings back memories - she also had a huge wooden Victorian style dollhouse (custom built) in the corner of the same room. When my dad and I would visit, I would hang out in that room and rearrange the furniture of the house. Funnily enough, my Dad was the one who first got me the game "The Sims" for PC - I would spent countless hours building and decorating houses. Something I did by myself growing up as a hobby.

Anyway, most people here call me Honeeecombs or Honeee - that's okay.

Honeeecombs and MayMay941 - I loved the "horror" movies when I was 9 years old. My dad, mother, younger sister and I lived on the second floor of a downtown Tulsa, OK older hotel. We had one small room with a tub bathroom, a closet and a window. My folks slept on the high standard-size bed and at night my dad set up two ARMY cots between the bed and the door. We had access to the fire escape at the window. One block from the hotel was a neighborhood movie theater which had double-features, cartoons, news, previews of coming movies, the whole works. My sister who was 7 at that time, and I spent several hours each Saturday glued to the screen. We had no money for snacks. One time after we'd seen the whole shebang, my sister walked home and I stayed to see the whole thing again. My dad came and rousted me after the first feature!
We watched Abbott and Costello Frankenstein and Mummy movies and curled up watching between our fingers that were plastered onto our faces. The reason we didn't have dreams about the scenes was because of the comedy element. Psycho was the first horror movie that I saw and I buried my face during the shower attack. And over the years have seen that movie three times and never watched that scene. The electing suspense was horror enough for me.

When I started my family we never took the kids to horror movies but when my son was 13 I watched "modern" horror movies on late night TV with him and we talked about the plot, the technical errors and the acting. He is totally non-violent in every way and watches all kinds of movies at 58.

Idon't believe in censorship of the media but also don't think it's a good idea to just let kids watch and listen to whatever they want without some parental guidance. When my grandchild who I raised for 19 years was 11 and wanted to get Grand Theft Auto 5 for his computer game, we went to a game store and bought a used version. I objected to the language so he muted it and I watched as he played the game. We had a lot of conversation about the graphics, the ethics and a year later about the language when he played by himself. He always had an avatar who was a Amazon-like woman. He learned at 14 that he was transgender and our lives changed significantly.

I really believe that people who are aversely affected by media may also be affected negatively by other entities: religion, politics, social constructs etc. even public school!
Well that's my two-cents worth! Thanks for asking.
@ritanofsinger: Absolutely, I don't believe I've seen you around here - but you have a high ranking so maybe you've been in my posts - maybe I just haven't seen you around here.

It's nice to meet you nonetheless, but yes - violent video games which honestly are the norm; shouldn't be continuing to get more and more realistic. I'll be honest, I'm a huge open world video gamer, and into games such as Mafia, Watch Dogs and currently been playing Red Dead Redemption - but I'm old enough to know the difference between what's real and what's not. Also, my mom was pretty good about keeping an eye on what video games I played growing up and even the more violent titles like GTA back then were more "cartoony" I suppose.

Anyway, you talked about your 14 year old transgendered grandson. Have you read the book "Pomosexuals"? It's about challenging assumptions on gender and sexuality. It's actually helped me alot in college because I've always been a very masculine person, but I am closeted in regards and do not share information about my sexuality - but it shares about the spectrum and how very masculine men can be gay, and very flamboyant men can be straight.

Same thing with gender, there are alot of born females who transition to males and end up still dating males. It's a very good read and definetly opens your perspective to more progressive viewpoints.

28 year old masculine male, and identify as a male here.

I'm about to close down again on self talk but I might add pre accident fall I was an avid outdoors person hiking and walking ,horseback riding band roller blading and a dancer with stamina. I have to remember these parts of my life also to not live as though after accident defines me.
TMI time is over. Thnx.
Honeeecombs said:
@Maymay941: All right there is enough information for me 🙂; that sounds wonderful that you are still actively involved in the dog rescue.

Doll Collecting is very popular from what I hear; I remember as a boy after my parents divorced - my dad had a girlfriend that would collect Barbie Dolls. Her Dining room had a wrap around shelf along the top of the wall that had Barbies all wrapped around the room.

Gosh, Itat brings back memories - she also had a huge wooden Victorian style dollhouse (custom built) in the corner of the same room. When my dad and I would visit, I would hang out in that room and rearrange the furniture of the house. Funnily enough, my Dad was the one who first got me the game "The Sims" for PC - I would spent countless hours building and decorating houses. Something I did by myself growing up as a hobby.

Anyway, most people here call me Honeeecombs or Honeee - that's okay.

I think it's funny that you rearranged the furniture!
re: movies
I don't have television or cable- we have Netflix where I live, but I only watch DVDs- a lot of TV series, but also, a lot of movies. I end up watching a lot of repetition, but what I'm actually doing is choosing the characters that I want as 'company' and play those as background noise, or 'music' if you will. I can suggest some fun movies- a good one is 'About Time', another is 'Something's got to give', then there's 'Peggy Sue got married' and on and on. I get most of them at thrift stores like Salvation Army. As for TV, I love Frasier, Home Improvement, Accidentally on Purpose, Monarch of the Glen.
Grew up going to what they called "art theaters". They did a lot of foreign flicks. Sometimes, the equivalent of, say, the Sundance festivals movies. Any big city had a few, as much of what they screened was less popular.
Now, Music concerts or festivals is what I watch most of - on You Tube. I don't remember which film it was, but Mom & I saw the first "Pink Panther" cartoon when I was about 12-13 - the theater crowd laughed their patooties off.
I'll take the old practice of a cartoon as a startong place for a night at the movies - those Previews, now, have convinced me to avoid movie houses.
The closest I want to come to Mystery/Horror is the Alfred Hitchcock movies. Or Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That was the very first movie where they had cartoon characters and real people interacting. Of course it didn't win an Oscar - it was too good, too new an idea.
Historical flicks - mostly on You Tube. I have a few subscriptions, like for Engles Coach Shop. Who knew someone still repaired and built Horse Drawn equipment? The skill level and variety of knowledge of that man! He recreated the entire 20-mule team borax wagons - and they harnessed up 20 mules and did a Parade in D.C, and the Rose Bowl, too.
There are You Tube channel enough to occupy anyone's interests.
I agree that the violence and horror movies are just too much - as is FaceBook. Any parent who hasn't taught their child not to post nude pictures of themselves - well, it leaves me breathless at the stupidity of parents and child. We can't validate abuse, either, in my opinion.
We did a better job of "restricting" what children read in the 1950s - 1960s, without censorship. I had to get a note from my mother to take out the Lord of the Rings trilogy (Hobbits) from the "Adult" section of the library - I was about 10. There are kids (and maybe us so-called adults) who don't need that violence and horror. There is so much else in the world to occupy anyone's minds or emotions. I don't care if it's a history of a WWII naval battle, or the use of some particular warbird. I've done that, recently. Fascinating. Better than those lousy text books in high school for understanding what & why.
So, does the effect of a horror movie lead to nightmares and incontinence, even just for a night or two? There are probably some cases. But that's not my main point.
@AlasSouth Sorry to say you're totally wrong about "Roger Rabbit"; it won tons of awards, including Oscars from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science!

We had to study it extensively in "The History of Animation," of which I had three levels, totally fascinating stuff, some of my favorite of all of film history.
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