6 Months post RP......Hallelujah!!


Staff member
I just turned 63 and am exactly 6 months out from my RP today.

As I write this and upon reflection I find it hard to believe that I am here. I write this not to celebrate but more so to inspire others and to help buoy their spirits. I also offer this info for those who are behind me on their post RP road to recovery, we must keep in mind that everyone's recovery will vary. This Forum is such a tremendous resource for information and support, I thank God that I stumbled upon it when I needed it the very most!

Above I had mentioned that "I find it hard to believe that I am here" not literally but indeed figuratively. I lead a very active lifestyle and the post RP leaking that I experienced, which started immediately upon cath removal, was devastating to say the least. It was a tough go and I found it extremely difficult to remain positive in any fashion, this is completely foreign to me as I am abundantly positive in every facet of my life.

I have made tremendous progress with my incontinence, far more than I could have imagined even 3 or 4 months ago, and am absolutely thrilled! I am not 100% dry but I did take my daily 5 mile hike today, which I do wearing pull-ups, and found that I was extremely dry. In the past, even as I made progress with my incontinence, I tended to leak most during my hike, obviously being active always escalates leaking greatly. Today was a wonderful result and I felt that I needed to share for the reasons that I have mentioned above.

For those who are behind me in their recovery, please do not lose heart, it's easy to do, I know, I almost did. Make a commitment to remain active, this will be tough at times, do your exercises, focus particularly on your kegels and do not skip a session, you can only get out of the process what you are willing to put into it. Celebrate your positive milestones and don't get down should you have a slight relapse...it happens. Accept the support of your friends and family and stay in touch with this Forum. It and it's participants were there for me when I needed them most and I have pledged to stay active as I recover and move on in an effort to lend support to those struggling just as many have done for me. Thanks to every one!

Keep the faith, do the work and stay positive, support, time and patience are your allies here.


Timmy O
That is awesome Timmy!!! We are so happy for you man.

It is nice to see success stories on here. Staying positive has been the key for myself with living with a bladder condition, and when I read your words - I can feel the enthusiasm for how much progress you have made.

Thank you for sharing
Well said Timmy. I’m one month behind you and starting to feel like I may get back to something close to normal
Wonderful post! Congratulations on your progress. You will continue to improve!

(I am now 21 months post RP)
If you have a condition that improves to have cause to celebrate, certainly enjoy your celebrations and positivity - which usually only applies to those who’ve had prostatectomies. Keep space in your hearts for those of us who will never be able to achieve much improvement because of the nature of our diagnosis. We may see a bit of improvement when we initially learn Kegels, but from there on, we have to try to stay positive even though we won’t improve at all for the rest of our lives. I’m glad you’re not in that lifetime situation. I hope you’ll continue to have reason to celebrate!
Great to hear!!! I’m still waiting for my leaking to improve but love hearing about others who have made progress.
That’s great! My hikes are also my most challenging time. I'd think that “extremely dry” result you had after your hike is a really positive sign. Congratulations!
Great to hear. Congratulations. I’m doing much better 4 months post. 1-2 pads per day depending on activity. Great being that I was 6-7 month out and wearing external catheter when I first returned to work in the hospital. Little progression on ED but still hopeful. Doctor feels 4 months out should see some progress. Sucks being I am only 57 but PSA O and cancer free. Focus on the positives. Ditto about this forum. I was not in a good place 1 month post RP and everyone here helped. Thank you. If you are new here consider your lucky to find it.
Timmy, thanks for that encouraging post that has been great for this 76-year-old...

Tomorow will be 7 weeks since my robotic RP. Today I met with my surgeon to review my first PSA result since the procedure. PSA is undetectable. Hopefully it will stay that way forever!!!

I am working on my Kagel's religiously and working out (lifting weights, walking on the treadmill, etc.)]

My leaking is mostly when active or sitting for some time. At night, I get up with a full bladder (no leaks) and I can hold it until I get to the bathroom.

I am doing pretty well only being 7 weeks post, but I do get a bit discouraged and this forum and posts like yours encourages me to press on.

Best to ALL here!! Bill
Congrats on your progress. About 4 months out for me with some improvement (1-2 pads daytime), one pull up lasted all night last night. Condition doesn’t really stop me from doing anything, keep a spare pad in my back pocket. Traveled to SoCal and back recently. It’s possible that I don’t achieve complete dryness. In the meantime, I’ll just keep on keepin’ on and continue living my life.
@TimmyOlrow0111 Congratulations Timmy. You must feel over the moon!I am getting stronger after breaking my hip, and hope to get back to my pool class at the Y - if they still have it- Per usual I don't drink anything before I go out. In fact I don't drink alot anyway during the day except for taking vitamins for obvious reasons even though I know that it is not healthy.- Pam
Timmy we all celebrate with your progress however much we are on parallel tracks or not, if nothing else stories like yours lend strength to those still downstream, and Snow, please don't doubt for a moment that you and other in your situation have a very dear place in our hearts and thoughts always. Wishing all health and peace
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