I’m about two years out from surgery. Have leaked since, despite doing kegels. Not much improvement, I used 2-3 pads per day plus pull up at night. I decided to have sling surgery done about a month ago. Leaking stopped, even when coughing or sneezing. I’ve had an voiding, though. When I get the urge to go, very little pee comes out. That is slowly improving, and I self catheterize to keep things from backing up too much. I see my urologist next week. Other aspects of the surgery went well. Very little pain.I’m 3 1/2 months post RP and still leaking pretty bad !
Wearing an external catheter and collecting urine from bag I leaked 12 ounces in 9 hours. Drinking appx 45 ounces during that time.
I see a specialist in incontinence tomorrow and need some answers on what to do !
I also have a appt at Mayo in 2 weeks if I’m not satisfied tomorrow!
It’s just frustrating/depressing that I think I see no improvements.
Doing kegals and PT
My progression is similar to yours. My output is still slow and small amounts (100-150 ml) and I go frequently. I use a catheter only when I’m uncomfortable and before bed. But I expect that I will need one at times until I’m voiding more normally. I use a very light pad which seems to take care of small drips. I have frequency and urgency issues now, but it is so much better than before the surgery. I may ask my urologist about the issues, but I'm only 6-7 weeks out from surgery, so I’m going to give it more time. Overall, I consider the surgery a success.I had to self cath after my sling surgery too. It started at 4 times a day for a couple of weeks then the number of self-cath per day went down. For the last 4 weeks (of 8 weeks total self cathing), I self cath at bedtime only.
The medical supply company did not contact me before sending the second 90 day supply and I had to send them back because I did not need them.
Not adjustable, no moving parts. Very effective, very durable. Only one doctor in my area, which includes University of Michigan med school, did Proact surgery. Ask a lot of questions.Not sure what “sling” surgery you’re having ?
Is it an adjustable or non adjustable sling ?
I’m going to Denver Feb 10th to get evaluated for Proact Therapy procedure.
This is an adjustable implant that can be used for mild/moderate/severe incontinence. I have done much research on “passive” devices.
Checkout - Proact continence therapy for men
Please keep us informed. I am also looking into Pro Act but I have not heard much about it.This is just me but the adjustable look like the better option than the non adjustable sling.
If you still leak after a sling there’s nothing they can do - it’s non adjustable.
With Proact they can do an easy adjustment- if you still leak - it’s just an office visit- this is not an AUS.
Also no moving parts.
Entire implant procedure takes 20-30 minutes. At least they say that.
I must live close to you as I originally made an appt at University of Michigan to see Proact doctor but after calling Proact and talking to one of the owners of Proact he said the UM Dr only had done like 30 implants so he recommended Dr Flynn at University of Colorado who has done hundreds. I see him on Feb 10th.
Dr Flynn is awesome - he has personally called me twice on the phone at no charge to discuss my condition.
Hope that helps a little
All the best
Kkruznkru, Please keep us updated on the the effectiveness of the Proact procedure should you choose to go with that. I have read about it but have not seen any first hand testimony regarding how well it works. Thanks, Dan.Not sure what “sling” surgery you’re having ?
Is it an adjustable or non adjustable sling ?
I’m going to Denver Feb 10th to get evaluated for Proact Therapy procedure.
This is an adjustable implant that can be used for mild/moderate/severe incontinence. I have done much research on “passive” devices.
Checkout - Proact continence therapy for men