38 year old male -- Is it BPH or OAB?


Staff member
Since March 1st of this year I have urgency, sometimes weak stream. but that's also because I go 20-30 times day. I sleep two hours day if that. I have lost my short term memory. Other symptoms I'm paying attention to... sometimes interment stream not always but sometimes. Voiding is not consistent. Sometimes I can void 300 ml usually every other day one time though, most voids range from 25 ml to 150 ml. Generally I void 4 times an hour, there is no pain while peeing however my penile region is soar by the end of the day I guess because I'm going so much. Also, no straining just an unnatural urge to go, sometimes even after I have gone.

Can't sit still.

First ER doc diagnosed me with Urethritis on March 12 - given Levoquin/7days 500mg. Things seemed by day 6 to be getting better but then after completion of treatment, with in two days. Same symptoms came back. Went back to ER this time given DOXY, didn't help either.

So on April 6th I went to a different ER ( I don't have medical insurance). I told them of my symptoms and they gave me Flomax. However during the rectal Exam the doc didn't seem to think my prostate was abnormal. 1st day seemed like a remarkable difference, Went 13 times very little urine out though. I think because before I went to the ER for at least 4 days I was restricting fluids-- I though that might help but no, still had the urge. Anyway also got OXYButin start taking it today - Even with the flomax I still have the urges yesterday went around 20 times just with larger voiding volume. Each void at lest 75ml or more.

I can't make heads or tails of this because of the COVD thing can't get in to see a urologist till May 5th! Any suggestions would be much appreciated - Can't really function anymore. -- All tests urinalysis and blood work came back negative for infection or abnormalities. Also I have no injuries to the pelvic region or any pain down there or for that matter and no bladder pain or discomfort.

- Zach
Just wånted to say, Im sorry to hear this Zach.
No answers from me, but your clinical description will aid you greatly in getting medical people on the right track. Show them this email if memory is unreliable. Getting sleep will affect that for sure.
You might want to use a bed protector and diaper type underwear for sleeping so you can get that needed rest at least for now.
@Zmarshall1991 welcome to the forum. It could be OAB and bph, although you are at the lower end of the age range for bph. Another possibility is prostatitis? This doesn't always show up as an infection, just unexplained swelling. These are guesses from my own experience, I'm not medically qualified. You need to ask lots of questions when you get to see a urologist. I do hope that they are able to come up with something to help you. Take care, Phil
Welcome. This is a good site.
If the Covid isolation thing gets extended, don't cancel the appointment, make another for a couple or 4 weeks later. Have you researched the official definitions of each? If so, or if you do, take MayMay's advise and write down or underline the parts that apply to you to hand to the Doctor. Use a hosital website to research, such as Virginia Mason or University of Washingtom Hospital. Google isn't reliable enough, in my opinion. Also, you can try Cleveland Clinic or Mayo.
I have no idea about the No Insurance problem. Are you eligible for Social Security, the VA, or Indian Health, or anything in that order? ER doctors aren't usually specialist, so I'm glad they sent you to a Urologist. Wear a mask when you go and stay safe!
Check out other threads for diaper options.
I'm 37 having the same issue.
I have the urge to urinate and I've been to the ER multiple times I've had 2 CT scans over the course of 6 months 1 prostate exam PSA test and just recently a MRI
The ER thought I have prostatitis and gave me bactrim didnt work after 5 days of use.
My urologist thinks it could be
Acute prostatitis or nerve injury do to jujitsu he didn't do the scope only relied on my 2 ct scans because out of all 6 pee test no blood or infection.
By chance do you have a back injury?
My doctor thinks its do to having nerve damage I have 3 bulging discs in lower back and compressed nerves.
I've been using oxybutynin to calm my urge to urinate 5 mg before bed helps if not the tip of shaft feels like i have to pee.
I hope you can find a solution in October I was experiencing everything you're going through.
It could be a combination of different things, like an OAB, enlarged prostate, etc. Best thing to do is contact your doctor(s) for a full and complete exam. It may take several tests to find exact causes, but it is better to rule out issues than to guess what the problem is. Hopefully, it's minor. Good luck.
@Zmarshall1991 All of my treatment has been centered around OAB. I do strain to void and I blame that on the botox and the fact that there is so little to get out.
If you are straining to empty after Botox talk to your doctor about doing daily catheter use. They can help with that.
As long as I can get it out I'm not sticking a catheter up there 20 times a day. I need to find a fix to getting these urges with only about 2 ounces I there.
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