27 year old female


Staff member
Hey all!

I have been having bed wetting issues for as long as I can remember. I was born at 28 weeks and I am not sure if this could be a reason why. I am married and thankfully my husband is really supportive and understands, but I still feel bad when I have a accident because it is his bed too. I have tried everything I can think of, drinking less liquids, setting an alarm, and so on. Sometimes they would work for awhile, then I would have maybe three accidents in a row, then nothing for a day or two, then another accident. It is so frustrating. I am also a mother of two, one is 13 months and the other is 2, and I am currently 31 weeks pregnant with our third baby. I know having babies can make it worse, but I have not noticed any difference since I was a child. I have found good ways to hide it and to clean up, but it is still embarrassing. I mentioned it to my OB doctor once and she brushed it off. I haven't seen another doctor because lack of health insurance, but any advice would be great. Just happy to know I am not alone.
Hi. Sorry you have to go through something like this. My wife has this problem as well. I too struggle with incontinence and meeting someone that is understanding is SO relieving. So I can relate.
Here is my advice. Health insurance is a must. Are you currently living in the US? Do you qualify for the free health care coverage under the health care act?
Getting coverage should be number one.
Next, as for management, you can handle it a couple different ways. My wife and I both wear protection. It is the easiest way to handle it. We shop Nortn Shore Care and if you call and explain your situation they have all sorts of plans and payment options to help you out. Plus their in house products are great and they will discount them heavily to help out.
XP Medical is another great company too. Gary, the guy who owns it, has a steady rotation of products and is always willing to help. In fact, a couple people in similar situations have gotten products for free and doing review for him in order to get those products.
Now you could always get a washable pad. It goes under you and absorbs any wetness, but it sounds like you want a dry bed. So i would consider some form of protection. I know that is a step many do not want to take, but trust me if you husband is understanding as he seems, he will appreciate that you are making a decision for both of you to be comfortable.
I work with counseling veterans with these issues, so if you want to talk further I am always available. I have been dealing with this a long time now and have learned many tricks of the trade per se.
Washable cloth diapers involve a large upfront expense; however, they last so long that, over time, they cost less than disposable diapers. Disposable diapers are cheaper initially; however, in my experience, going through several each day they soon become a burdensome expense. Experiment to learn what gives you the best, most reliable protection, and use it with pride in the well-earned accomplishment.
Wkwbwz6w I'm in the same boat as you, well not married with two kids and one on the way. As a youung child my parents thought it was something I would grow out of but now I'm 28 yrs old and still doing it sometimes at it worst I worry if there will ever be a dry day! Don't worry you can do this.. I've heard of all things by being on this forum from Meds to Plastic underware. You just have to stay persistent and if you have a loving husband I'm pretty sure he is working with you and will continue. I may have not been the help you were looking for but I'm definitely the "i know how you feel" support!! YOU GOT THIS
Our daughter, who is 18, adopted, so no medical history, has always been incontinent at night. She just had a Metronic bladder pacemaker put in. Actually the first one was put in back in Oct. but after 3 weeks, it stopped working. She's very tiny and we think she lifted something and the leads moved. She had another surgery last week to correct it.So far, so good. No wetting. But she is under strict orders not to lift anything for 6 weeks! She has very high pressure in her bladder and some spasms. She chose not to have botox and to try this, as she is leaving in the fall for quite a while, and would not be able to always get the botox. Have you have your bladder anatomy checked? She is our 2nd daughter with bladder and/or kidney problems. The first daughter is was evident at age 5, but for this daughter, no pediatric doctor would take us seriously because she never had any infections. So press your urologist to check for problems. Make sure there isn't a biological problem going on. If we waited until our daughter was 30, it could become an all day problem. So we're hoping and praying this time, it works!!!
I'm 34, with one kid and one on the way. Having a supportive spouse definitely helps. I just wear diapers at night, and it's no big deal.
Fieldwork Orange County is looking for Men and Women ages 25-85 who experience urine leakage at least 2 times per day to participate in an upcoming study. Qualifying respondents will come to the agency to have some measurements taken by a professional seamstress on July 13-15 and be given test product on August 9 to use anywhere from 5-13 days. At the end of the 5-13 days you will need to return 1 additional time to our facility to return the questionnaires. You will be compensated at the conclusion of the study!

If you are interested in participating and would like to see if you qualify, please copy and paste the below link into your browser:

This is not an invitation to participate; however, it is an invitation to see if you qualify to participate. Depending on the number of responses we may or may not be able to contact all interested participants.
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