18 to 30 year old guys!


Staff member
There is a new man to the forum who posted his introduction as Hey guys.
I dont know if you young guys open EVERY e mail thread from this forum so i am sending this to catch your eye. If you can open his and any advice or assurances you can share, its got to be hard being a young guy starting college helps for all to know youre not alone, right?
Thank you Phil. There was a long stretch, maybr a year, that i didnt open the NAFC e mails due to my depressed mind. But the great tolerance and compassion the really good advice haunted me and i decided to be active in a community of people who have done so much for me to accept my condition. I have come yo admire and respect everyone here so much although we are came here from different reasons for our continence.
If i was a young guy i might blow past the introduction and i think being younger its got to be a different row than many of us have to hoe. Hard to be starting college or a career and feel alone.
Hard to reach the age of college or right after, and have to consider the dating scene and finding a partner. Thanks you, MayMay. Heck, a now single senior will have memories and has the right to hope - and this forum can give that, too.
Glad you brought up the concept of whether every message gets opened. One thing that helps me open a message is when there is a paragraph or good sentence as a "headline". That should be on the intro thread on this site. Or at least a message that indicates the thread. I usually end up with 5 or more messages waiting, then binge-open them. Doesn't take long to read them, either. Or reply. Or hit the heart icon.
I sympathize with your comment about depression. Nice to know I'm not alone, and see if you can make yourself participate when you have one of those attacks. Good idea for all of us with that issue.
I cant hit heart or other icons, i do stuff by tablet and when they switched the appreciations thing gummy i went to the library and tried on the computer to upgrade but it didnt allow. So here's my heart icon thumbs up what have you! Insert smiling face.
I'm using a portable, and my wife's desktop, and my ISP makes it impossible to download the upgrades, anymore, if they are too big or i get to the limit (on the "unlimited" service we pay for) or the ISP's capacity limit. For whatever reason, this site still works for me. Hope the programmers, here, notice this and have the time to fix it. Are they volunteers, or pros doing it on their "off time"? Either way, we need to appreciate them. Tablets can be the only answer for some, due to needing smallest size or least inexpensive. Smart phone don't cut it when you need a computer and the programs made for computers. My fingers are too big for those touch screens, too.
Got a relative doing programing, maintaining websites, on his own time & dime, for two non-profits. Ain't easy. I've never seen (or tried enough to check out) how we operate, aside from doing the Charity Navigator thing. We aren't big enough, too low in "dollar income", to get the full evaluation, but that IRS form we send in looks good.
Two other things you might try. Walk into your ISP's office/store and ask to use their unlimited, super-fast access to get your upgrade. I had help on that. The other thing: sometimes you can walk into store of the manufacturer of your device and use their ISP or even get them to do it. I've had help a couple of times that way, but its a 180 mile drive, one way, for that. (I just happened to have to be in that city for something else. Nothing like killing 4 birds with 1 stone). But our phone/ISP store is a 20 mile drive in a town we go to several times a week. They almost know us by name!) The lines can be long, so i got in early morning or as late in the evening as i can get away with.
Good luck.
Maymay941 said:
There is a new man to the forum who posted his introduction as Hey guys.
I dont know if you young guys open EVERY e mail thread from this forum so i am sending this to catch your eye. If you can open his and any advice or assurances you can share, its got to be hard being a young guy starting college helps for all to know youre not alone, right?
Thanks so much for making this post. It already seems like it's such a supportive atmosphere here and i'm glad i reached out. Thanks a lot @Maymay941 for going the extra step!
Andy if you go back through old threads maybe under new members intros for a start therechave been so many in your situation you wouldn't brlieve it. Some of us ahem. Are older than you, we all have different reason for what makes us incontinent but there areca number of guys like yourself who life started them out with unknown oran behavior and good on you for seizing hold of life and making something happy on all fronts!
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