13 months later and still blowing thru diapers


Staff member
I had robotic prostate removal by a so called expert in March 2021 and am still a eunich in diapers. Has 5 ER visits and 3 more surgeries to remove scar tissue. I am so disgusted I wish now I hadnt done anything.
Truly sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. Was your cancer extensive or did things just go wrong after surgery. The extent of the cancer and subsequently the surgical involvement impact recovery. Additionally you have had follow up surgeries. Each procedure may impact recovery time. Have they given you any idea if you will recover any level of continence or sexual function?

Easy for me to say because I am not experiencing the same issues you are but have heart and hang in there. Not all people are the same and unfortunately not all expert surgeons perform with a high level of expertise.
As far as the incontinence goes, are you certain you've gotten good support/training from your PT? Have you been consistent with your kegels? I know my recovery was kind of slow, but I was not great in terms of exercising. I know how frustrating this all can be. Hang in there…prayers sent.
@Kaikolohe I am so sorry to hear how hard your journey has been so far. Five ER visits and three more surgeries after your prostate removal is a tough road. I understand why you would wish that you had not sought treatment.
I'm five years post-op and have had no return of continence or erectile function, and I often wonder what quality of life I could have retained if I had chosen to live with the cancer.
I hope things improve for you. There is still time for you to experience improvement. Two years post-op is often mentioned as the time when further improvement becomes less likely. I do suggest you see a specialist continence physical therapist to give yourself the best chance to recover as much function as possible in the time available.
Hello Kaikolohe. It’s bee two years for me. My surgery was March of 2020. I have total incontinence and total ED. I will have the AUS device implanted later this month.It’s just depressing all the way around.
I'm sorry to hear you've joined the club, no doubt suffering a bit more than many of us. I'm 12 years post-surgery, still without bragging rights. My days are pretty much back to normal, however, using a soft silicone external aid that compresses the urethra impeding leakage. (now averaging two liners every three days.) If you'd like info on my patent-pending aid, do let me know. I wasn't a fan of surgery and maybe more surgery, which is why I embarked on this journey. Best wishes. DG
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