13 Hours Post Surgery


Staff member
Well, I'm alive. Doc says it went well. Stomach is uncomfortable. I want to pass gas, but can't. Not in pain. I have a button I can push to deliver pain med. I haven't pushed it since before leaving recovery to the room. I think it was around 5-6 PM Wednesday evening when they bought me to the room. I'll keep you posted 🥵. Thanks for all your support and prayers.
So glad it went well. Yes, keep us posted of your progress. Pain should subside fairly quickly. Stay away from the opioid pain killer. Ask for Tylenol Extra Strength or ibuprofen, if necessary.
Agree with Joel, try to stay away from the opioids and stick to Tylenol. I did not feel good the morning after surgery, but by the afternoon I was ready to walk a little and head home. First day at home was a little rough sleeping. Got so much better the next few days. Best of luck!
I'm not in any pain.. just the air in my stomach causing distention is so uncomfortable. I don't want to eat or drink anything.
I had that same issue with being bloated. Ask if warm liquids might help. I'd steer clear of ice water.
Pain was well controlled. Take the stool softners that they offer. Get up and walk as soon as you can.
Try not to eat too much, don't drink any coffee or carbonated drinks. This will be the worst day with the distended belly. They key is to get up and go for walks as often and for as long as you can that will help your digestive system and get gas moving, I requested Gas X. If you have to cough or sneeze hold a pillow tight to your belly before hand, it is called splinting and is an awesome tip.
I have a long history of surgeries for various conditions.

The first surgery as an adult caused me to have severely impacted constipation. It literally, "ripped me a new one".

Over the years, I have noticed that surgeons don't like to talk to patients much, so they don't warn you about what to do post-surgery to avoid these things.
Thanks guys. I walked a little bit today with the help of 2 nurses - one on each side holding my hands. Still haven't passed gas 😢
@Bgh There's nothing wrong with getting pain relief from opioids. The amount the hospital will give you is not going to make you addicted. You deserve to be relaxed and pain-free. But do note, opioids can cause major constipation and sometimes nausea if your body is new to them.
My only problem is the tight belly. It's horrible. I walked twice today. My only pain is when I have to get up and down putting pressure on my stomach. I am not a happy camper 😣
I was bloated, too. Aren't we all? Funny thing was that, when I was discharged the next day, I couldn't button my shorts. VERY uncomfortable drive home (4 hours), and not just because my wife was driving.
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