10 weeks post RP


New member
I’m new to the group and getting much knowledge so thanks everyone for sharing their experiences !
I’m 10 weeks post RP and still pretty incontinent. I’ve started PT (3 times) but still getting very frustrated on recovery. I meet my surgeon Oct 2 (first time after surgery) to discuss things.
I’m getting depressed not really wanting to go out to much or if I do for very short time - have tried Lungren clamp which is very uncomfortable for me
I guess my question is how long do you wait to discuss more options than PT ?
Medication ?
Bulking agents ?
Sling ?

Or is 10 weeks out just to soon ?
Any support would be helpful TY
Just to soon. Good idea to state age, age at RP, preexisting conditions. I’m 76.5, 70 at RP, rather impatient person but learning it takes time unless you can get a new washer for your leaky faucet.
Thanks Stryder
Ok I’m 70 and had RP this last July and am a pretty healthy person - and yea I’m a pretty impatient person too !
PS went to urgent care this weekend for a urinalysis:

Urge to pee n than 2/3 ounces come out
Red urine
Sweeting something
Smelly urine
Increased leakage
I thought for sure a UTI but they say no !
University of Chicago that did the RP wanted their own tests so I gave em some pee today n their saying if it comes back negative she’ll give me medicine for overactive bladder ?
Doesn’t sound right
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