Worried about postop


Staff member
Hi. I have an outpatient surgery coming up. I had to stop my immune suppressant medication that helps my bladder issues that are partially due to a connective tissue autoimmune disorder. I have definitely had more bladder issue since I stopped it. I was only wearing a light pad if I was going to be away from a bathroom for a while. Now I am back to a pullup or heavier pad all the time. I am worried that I will have an accident/ wet the bed in the recovery room. Does anyone have any tips or experiences?
Best to tell the staff attending you before the surgery and even bring a few pull ups and pads.
It's out patient so you expect to be leaving later in the day.
Anyone who has had any nursing training will not be disgusted upset or have a problem helping you with this and telling them in advance means they will be prepared.
Ask for bladder pads or an adult diaper. I have full urinary incontinence and asked for and was put in an adult diaper while in the hospital for a few days when I had COVID.
Being a nurse. The staff should know your history. Next the absorbancy pads we use are more the sufficient. And depending on where on body and what type of procedure will also dictate what you can and cannot wear.
Very simply Don't stress over it. If it makes you more comfortable talk with the pre-op nurse when you get there to help alleviate any concerns.
Based on my surgical experience (24 surgeries in six years), you will not be allowed to wear a diaper during surgery because of germs. I’m female and in UT. White men love to subordinate the women here, so that may ve the explanation. One time I did get a diaper from the hospital for during surgery. It was two sizes too small and the worst diaper (Tena) I’ve ever worn in my life. Extremely I unabsorbent and fit VEEY weird; might as well have not been wearing it. They wouldn’t let me wear my Depend because of germs. I had even brought a brand new Depend; they didn’t care. It’s just like how they make you take all your clothes off for surgery - they want your clean room clean. I don’t know having how having pee everywhere is clean.

For what it’s worth, I go through a couple of Depends every night when I (try) to sleep. But I have somehow never peed during surgery, despite even my most recent one which was over an hour long. I always have to pee immediately after surgery from all the fluids they dump in unnecessarily through the IV. So obnoxious. So inappropriate for someone who just had multiple plates and 14 screws put in her foot who needed to jump up to pee right after surgery, when she’s ordered to be non-weight-bearing for four months. Instead they could’ve just let me wear my pull-up. What sense did it make for me to have to get up Friday after the surgery? I get so mad at them for putting in that much fluid in the IV. If something happens during surgery, *then* they could put in the fluid. Such a gross bloated feeling. Anyway, the way they do they don’t let you were protection is one of my least favorite things about all hospitals. There has been a lot of talk about it here on the forum over the years. Others have had my experience. Sometimes they just put disposable bed pads under you, as if that’s enough of a solution. and you definitely can’t count on them being available when you push the button to tell them that you need your bed pads changed; it takes forever to get a nurse. It’s absurd. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

I hope you have better luck than I’ve had.
You don't pee during surgery because of the paralytic drugs that are given. As they wear off yep gotta pee. As for diapers or stuff from home. That's a no-no in SURGERY breaks sterile fields. Hospitals have absorbent pads that are set for surgical suites
Thanks. I wasn’t worried much about the actual surgery, bit more about the recovery room/ PACU part.
Same thing in the recovery room. And even if they tell you over the phone that they’ll have them in stock, they won’t.
snow -- Thank you for bringing up foot surgery. Have 2 foot surgeries in my future. Can't bear weight for 3 months each surgery. So need to point out have OAB/FI & need something so I don't have to get up & walk to bathroom. At home will have commode by my side of bed to utilize.
Snow I find that when I think of someone on NAFC they show up in 48 hours.
Did you just have the foot surgery? I can keep all the planned surgery straight.
Ladies look into the "Purewick" it's designed for nighttime incontinence for women. We use in the hospital also and are very effective.
They had my wife use that Purewick system in the hospital during her fight with COVID. That thing didn't work worth anything. She would urinate so much that the thing couldn't keep up and leaked like crazy. Finally had to put my wife in a diaper while still using that thing so her bed didn't get soaked everytime.
@Maymay941 I also found Purewick creepy, both the vulva component and the bottle of pee. I would much rather wear a diaper. However, if they offered it to me as part of a hospital stay, I think I would try it! Let insurance pay to try a different, very expensive product! I do think it’s a pretty innovative product - though odd! - I’m glad it helps some ladies; I’m all in favor of that!

Thank you for thinking of me! My foot surgery was on October 6, a week before I started my new hellacious job. The first two months were a feat of Everest proportions. For the first six weeks my foot was supposed to be elevated above my heart, but my company shipped me all this giant computer equipment, about nine attachments to a computer and a massive screen. There was no way I could work from bed. I’m sure it made my pain much worse, but I survived! Work has been so demanding that it really cramps my time on NAFC, regrettably. I think of all of you a lot and wish I could be more present. This community is a vital part of my life! I will continue to be around as able! I don’t think I can handle this job for much longer, so maybe I’ll be back full-time! That’s *almost* funny but with mandatory 18 to 20 hour days, I am going bonkers. Two weeks ago they decided we’re not getting paid for overtime anymore. I was getting paid about $70 an hour for that. I’ve pretty much had it with them!!!!! They are also majorly-guilt tripping me for doctors appointments. Both of those things are illegal but this company gets away with rapes and murders, So no threat of a lawsuit actually means anything to them. There are major lawsuits against them, even a massive one by the state of California being prosecuted. When I quit, I’m going to look into joining them. There are nearly zero compliments or thanks at this job; just mean nitpicking shit. It’s the worst job of my life!

Just got Botox on Thursday; with my new doctor as my old fellow retired. It hurt much worse for the three days afterward than previously - felt like a UTI but fortunately wasn’t!, but the Botox us now in full affect. I went from peeing 28 times during the daytime hours only, down to six today. Most wondrous! Totally worth the pain! The new doctor used a plastic catheter rather than a solid metal catheter like my old doctor used. I think my old doctor had done the procedure many more times; this guy looked like he was about 35. My old guy was 80 something. They had me watch the camera doing the injections for some reason, maybe because the injections might be more predictable and less painful that way? I found the office it to be true. My old doctor never showed me the screen. When I get it for my migraines, the needle only goes in about a quarter of an inch. In my bladder, they were pushing it in 1 inch; no wonder it hurts so damn much! I can tell you this: there were so many, many, many blood vessels and visible nerve structures in the bladder. Quite amazing, though quite a torture for those of us with incontinence!

I hope you ladies are doing well!

@pegasi99 Please feel free to ask me any questions in advance of your foot surgery, or after! I’m so sorry you have to have both of them! I think a bedside commode could be quite useful. After what I went through as a single woman living alone, I’ve decided when I get my knee replacement in October or November that I’m just going to hire an aide or a nurse from care.com, for an amount of time in assistance that I’m not sure how much I may need until it happens. Insurance never pays for a hospital stay for a knee replacement nor do they pay for any kind of home health care. I think that’s majorly ridiculous! Every bone in my leg is going to be implanted with metal rods and plastic pieces, yet insurance can’t be bothered to provide any kind of assistance?! Accordingly, I am saving money to pay for my own assistance via care.com. I think about how bad my foot hurt and my previous four knee surgeries, and I just can’t fathom the pain that is going to come from a knee replacement. I am still quite terrified but I am much more terrified of never being able to exercise again in my life. My soul is depleted from not being able to move like I used to.

@pegasi99 I think you’re doing a great, smart thing by letting them know you’re incontinent far in advance. That’s all you *can* do! I think if you have much time in the hospital, you should definitely take your own diapers. Perhaps you could take a brand new pack so they can’t go claiming that it’s unsanitary! Sorry to read that you have such a bad UTI!
@PatRnFl I am glad to hear your hospital has been better than mine! I’ve been inpatient in all but one of the hospitals in the Salt Lake Valley! With my new health insurance, who knows, I could still end up in the brand new hospital!
Snow briefly I'm sorry I remembered the foot surgery from October it just seemed like yesterday. Enough of the craaaapy stuff. Terrible.
All the surgeries I have had I Insisted on diapers as when in college my urologist thought me being in diapers was like a crime. I ended up in the hospital after he decided a catheter was best for me, was in the hospital for three months was sepsis. If I ever do use a Cath it is a condom Cath and as soon as they get a sample back in a diaper. I bring my own diapers during my back surgeries when I needed help changing they are so impressed with the diapers I bring and use.
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