When you have to trickle hot water to keep pipes from freezing


Staff member
...it poses a whole new level of stimulation for the incontinent!

Open the cabinet doors of sinks trickle the hot water until the cold snap passes.

Thats my holiday wish for us all, that we are warm and and have hot water!

If involuntary incontinence has taught anything it's to take nothing normal for granted.

Hannuka blessings and Merry Christmas
Thank you for reminding us (or, at least, me) to appreciate the simple blessings. Warmth in the middle of winter is a luxury for some.

"...it poses a whole new level of stimulation for the incontinent!"

One that gets to me is pumping gas into my truck.
Diana said:
Thank you for reminding us (or, at least, me) to appreciate the simple blessings. Warmth in the middle of winter is a luxury for some.

Warmth to me takes a lot of effort. I have a woodstove in my small place in northern Minnesota. I have pretty much unlimited free slabs from the sawmill I work at, so I'm constantly working on firewood. You could say I live in a woodshed with an attached bedroom and kitchenette and you wouldn't actually be too far from the truth. I do manage to keep the temperature in the 70's though.

Merry Christmas everyone. I'm thankful for you all.
I have an outside wood burner and my house is usually 73 degrees throughout the winter. During the past 2 days my house has been in low 60s. And my dogs want nothing to do with going outside. I’m ready for warmer weather. Everyone have a Great Christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone - may warmth, kindness, and the holiday spirit be with you all and may everyone feel whole and not alone during the next couple of days.

Blessings and good tidings,
Thx May-May! At times like this I sometimes feel like I’m in an Alfred Hitchcock movie! Just a drip from the farthest tap in the house from my Football room & my shop can make my bladder beat faster than my heart! It just doesn’t get it, i’M EMPTY, NOBODY HOME, nothin in there, yet on the flaming bladder beats!

Living in the desert, I'm appreciative of open windows and cool weather. Very happy cold water actually is cold!
In the 1990s, we had record subzero temperatures here in Philadelphia. My 150 year old house had no insulation. I came home from work to what sounded like Niagara Falls.

Thankfully, I no longer have that kitchen. It was an addition to the house. Totally demolished and rebuilt from the ground up.
Had almost identical situation happen last week to a rental property I own. Tenant gone for few days. Came home to water everywhere and 3 inches in basement. Working to get resolved but ServPro and other companies that deal with these issues are booked 3 weeks out. Said unable to hire employees to have adequate staffing.
@Jimfrompa Here in Philadelphia, you can’t get anything done. The building boom is in full force. Contractors don’t need your business when they can get higher paying commercial jobs. Good luck!
Businesses are telling us they can’t find employees. I work in a hospital. People show up for a day or two, then you never see them again.
@Jimfrompa We’ve actually had restaurants close because they can’t get service workers. I’m sure I’ll piss someone off by saying this, but we need to reform immigration laws so we can put immigrants to work right away.

Years ago, my Hospitol HR friend flew to Ireland to bribe nurses to move to Philly, as there was a shortage. Guess it’s happening all over again.
Nurses are making huge money right now. Our nurses are making about $45/hr and work 3 12 hour shifts. If they work an extra 12 hour shift a week they make $70 hr + $750 per shift with a 4 month contract. When contract is completed they receive a $5000 bonus. Friend works at Audi dealership in Pittsburgh. He had a young RN buy a $100K Audi and pay cash for half of it last week. My daughter worked in the Pediatric ICU at West Virginia University before attending anesthesia school. They are paying travel nurses $6000/week for 6 month contract. I have no idea where the money is coming from.
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