When nature calls... A story


Staff member
I work later in the day so if I have errands, I do them in the morning. So one day early last fall, I get to my first stop and I did something really stupid. As I close the car door I realized that I locked my keys, phone, everything in the car. Try all the doors, everything is locked. So being as stubborn as I am I refuse the embarrassment of going into a shop and asking to use a phone. There is a nearby rails-to-trails path that passes near where I live. I estimated that it would be about a 3 mile walk to get home for a spare set of keys and a ride back. It would take about 1 hour to walk home and I figured it was good exercise anyway, so off I go. Just wish I had shoes better adapted to the gravel trail.

The thing about OAB is the it is a bit unpredictable. With the cold crisp fall air and the walking, wouldn't you know it, after about 15 minutes into the 1 hour walk, I really had an urgent need. There is no way I would make it all the way home. Lucky this is a remote trail surrounded by wooded areas with nothing else in sight. I thought about my options and ended up with the decision to go behind a bush. Looking both ways down the trail - no bikers - no hikers, so I quickly took care of the need. Its hard to explain how good I felt after not to have that urgent feeling. I got home without further issues.

Did something like this ever happen to anyone else?
Just curious...what was the name of the trail? My husband leads hikes on two cinder based rail trails in northwest NJ. Glad everything worked out for you!
happens from time to time with me. It's 2x as bad for me! It's kind of devistating actually but I've come to understand living this way and I'm more careful now to be prepared.
My story is just the opposite. My job requires me to sit. I sit for at least 4 hours a day, at home, at my computer, arranging music. When I go out to work, I always sit, as I'm a pianist, playing lots of shows, piano bars, etc. I rarely stand, which, at 77, is the excuse I use. "I've reached that part of life where, if you can sit, why stand?" The only time I stand at work is when I conduct orchestras. At that time, the urges I feel are simply musical, not the other kind. On piano gigs, during intermission, I always remain at the keyboard, since the act of standing causes an definite non-musical urge, no matter how much I try to prevent it. I find I can do a 5-6 hour gig, either standing or sitting without changing. So, at my age and job style, sitting is my "cure". Not the best but, it works for me...

Yes. More than once. Sometimes after driving home after working a late shift and knowing that I would not be able to get from the parking lot to the bathroom without leaving a liquid trail, sometimes while taking walks, sometimes while driving on an interstate. Landscape designers, please take note....
Every single time I would walk with my friends and their two kids. Thankfully they knew about my OAB and would take the girls down the trail while I found a bush or tree. The plus side is they always had baby wipes and a trash bag so there was no drip drying for me. It's embarrassing but it's also just one of those things that happens.
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