What to call THEM, times two


Staff member
Thanks to 2480Boomer for stirring up my grey matter that started me to think about a similar 'silly' word to add to the 'Silly Word Game! "RUBBER PANTS"
Well, having been born in 1939, our moms either covered our butts with diapers and rubber pants, or nothing at all!!! The disposable era was far from the norm back then. The only people who refer to rubber pants as such are 60 yrs or older. I believe the British refer to them as 'slips', here in the good ole USA the term cover is used alot and of course disposables are disposables.
Ya know what? We had a name for them if you were a baby-sitter in the mid-1950s, and darned if i can remember. Too old. But it was probably Rubber Covers, or something equally obnoxious. Maybe just "water-proof-covers? Hell, DPCARE. 1963 was the year i was a high school senior and was no longer babysitting.
When did disposable diapers come in - for babies? Don't remember them in the fifties, but they may have existed by the mid-1960s. We couldn't have afforded them, then. It was cloth diapers and diaper pails and lots of trips to the "washeteria". The farm community called them diapers. Nappies was a British term, maybe Canadian too. Don't think i remember someone saying "adult diapers", except in context of what we now call an Alzheimer patient in a home. My mother said the best gift she got when i was born was to a Diaper Service! Do those exist any more?
My son was born in 79 and disposable baby diapers were considered a luxury item to us rural folks. In 1973 through 1975 i worked in a nursing home and strangely i dont remember dispers just the cloth chux on their beds. But i dont remember them wearing any diaper although incontinence was very much an issue.
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