What is the best of this forum on Incontinence


Staff member
A post today has made me question why am I still here.
Joined because I was ashamed alone and unaware of the diversity of remedies for the condition of becoming a bed wetter in my adult life.
I now know
of medical and daily palliative options for self care would not have known if I had remained off line.
Being on this forum I've learned that the diversity of people who meet here from every walk of life from every state of health every place on earth we are humbled yet raised up by this private shared condition to respect each other. Through this particular issue my appreciation for your sharing of many parts of your daily life and daily courage I stay on. You've healed and comforted and share of yourselves in such a way I can say incontinence has brought me the gift of knowing a diversity of people I admire and would not have met otherwise.

That is wonderfully stated. You know when I came here during a very difficult part of my life - one where I needed people the most; it was "the regulars" of people here like you that swept in and discussed my medical issues and welcomed me into the bunch.

It was then, I could start to discuss and open up about my feelings towards this condition to others who gave me the support I needed to hear.

You guys did not fail, no matter the feeling. I am forever grateful for that.

I realized then it would be only wise to try to continue to share that support to others. Your story about working with dogs still makes me chuckle to this day!

Honeycombs I don't even remember what I said about working with dogs, thanks for making me laugh at my sieve like memory!
For me this form connects me with others who face a similar life challenge to myself and I never feel judged. Many of you kept me together when I first began to experience the issues. I don't know of any other group that understands how this affects me. I appreciate that you all are here. Thanks for asking Maymay.
Funny how wet pants can bring a group together. I'm not happy about the situation but knowing I'm with others makes it a bit more tolerable.
Everyone above all great points and totally agree. Wet dad your post truly made me laugh lol as it’s that the truth.

It’s so simple and so true.

Thanks all of you. And thank you for your feedback. I also hope all members on this forum mature like all of you and if you don’t exactly agree with someone’s point just skip over it and move on.

Life is to short first off. Secondly why do people feel the need to try to force someone else to do something exactly their way. That’s dumb Lol. It’s awesome that something someone did works for them as a person but that doesn’t mean it will work for everyone / me. Lol the simple truth. And that’s the joy of a forum. Take what works for you as a person, and just skip over what wouldn’t work for you and don’t try to convert others as no one is keeping score and if you are that’s truly sad just my humble opinion.

It’s not Rocket Science, it’s WET PANT SCIENCE. LOL

with love and kindness


Honestly Wettdad I just died laughing as I loved your post for wet pants that brings us together in MayMays topic. And now you saying that you are in fact a rocket scientist is just hilarious. Lol

Thanks for your posting in this forum as they are always spot on and add a light hearted element here which obviously from what I quickly scanned/read people on here need to relax a little and just be thankful for what works for them. Pretty simple at least in my world. Why fret over something so small or get offended by something. Life’s to short in my head to let things like that bother oneself.

And like whoever on here said today:

Live and let live.

Thank you

🤣. Cheers

@Maymay941 Superb post!

I think the best part about this place is that it's a great place for both incontinence related advice and medical/disability related advice in general. Living with my various disabilities has really shown me that you never truly get the management of conditions down 100% and it's always useful to be able to get advice.

Dealing with incontinence my whole life was bad enough but then when everything else kicked off for me health wise I felt truly lost and this place has been a real lifeline.
Aside from all of the moral support we give each other, I also find that I learn from others. There is a great deal of information that is shared here. Thank you all!
@Sci_Fi_Fan I agree with what you wrote. I’ve learned all kinds of things here, like how the snow predicted for PA is going to make his schedule hard to accomplish for @ThatFLGuy. I have definitely learned more about prostates than I ever thought I would have reason to.
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