Well this could be fun..said no one ever..


Staff member
This weekend is my families 100th reunion and I will be heading north for it. Big thing is that I will be staying with my hole family in one house for a few weeks. My siblings and their significant others with their kids will all be there.. This could get bad as were I will be sleeping is the living room.. Also my time line to leave has been moved up to today sometime. Nothing like having school work to finish and then getting everything dropped on me at once. Stress level very high and I keep hearing danger Will Roberson danger of some reason..
Huge Update. So things went as well as could be during the time having all my siblings in one small house with there spouses. I slept down stairs and got up at 7:30am to shower. This made dealing with having people around okay. The big huge update is that I have decided to stay in Pa. After everything that has happened to me this year the choice was made due to cost of living and the ability to make better money than in Fl. My night issue is still the same but I am three day into a new job and my it is taking some getting use to. The big thing is that it seems like due to the last few days at work that my bowels are not moving like they were before. This I think is due to where, and what I am doing for work. I have walked almost 15 miles in the last three days of work, (3, 12's in a row) I had to up my water intake as the first two days I did not keep a water bottle with me. I went through almost 4 liters of water my last shift and feel a lot better than I did the first two days. I like this new job and the one big thing is I HAVE MEDICAL, DENTAL, & VISION!!! So nice to work someplace that takes care of their people. I will do another update soon.
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