well that was embarassing


Staff member
I was just at Lowes getting some stuff for the house and while squatted/crouched down to try to pull a chainsaw from the bottom shelf my shirt rode up revealing my crinklz aquanaut. I heard a muffled giggle and whisper "oh my god that guy is wearing a diaper". I turn around and see a teenage girl and her mom who both quickly tried to look away and pretend like I didn't hear her.

I've always hated ABDL diapers and everything ABDL, but use the crinklz because I'm convinced they have more SAP than regular BetterDry. Maybe they aren't different, but they seem to have a slightly different fit and work better for me...maybe it's all in my head.

Anyway I was absolutely mortified by this. I'm usually very careful and conscious of this but not this time. Diaper on full display for anyone to see.

I still had more shopping to do and ran into them again a few aisles over but they quickly averted their gaze to the floor.
I thought Crinklz were the same as better dry just with abdl prints. Is there really more sap in them?
@spastkchild everyone says they're identical...but they seem to perform better than better dry for me.

I'm not sure if it's that the printed plastic grips better and I'm therefore able to get a tighter fit or if there is something else to it. They seem to swell more than better dry, which is why I think there's more SAP. I could be wrong.
I am going to be straight forward with this answer. I have had this happen to me at Walmart. What I did was walk by them and stopped in my tracks and looked at them and said: One day you will be back in diapers. Told them I had a medical problem. Take your phones out and do some research you fricken aholes! ( I was more blunt with my words towards them ) I made sure people heard me.

I am done with what people think and say. It's like this, I am a gay gentleman. If I am not having see with you, it is non of your business.

Be strong and stand up for yourself.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.
So, this is a topic that opens some doors. I use diapers of high quality that are not medical white too. My wife and I talked, I've done research, I choose to have some fun. There are choices that allow me to go all day and they have patterns that are fun. Auqanauts are in the mix.

Maybe yime to talk about this topic?

Wearing a diaper is private. Some non-incontinet have underwear that might have patterns, lace, interesting layout.

We should too. I like my choices and I make use of them. My wife and I see them. I see her underwear too. I find happiness in choice and it does something for me sexually but more importantly, usefulness and dignity.

Maybe think they were jealous for not having choice like we do. I'm willing to provide some guidance if desired, but depends and always are not our only choices!
I find the Bambino brand diapers to be the most absorbent and don’t care anymore about the prints. (Bambino does offer a diaper without prints, but I find the Teddys work the best for some reason.) I get why some don’t want others to know they are wearing print diapers, but, to me, once I have accepted that I function better in life in diapers, what the diapers actually look like is not that important to me. Thus, when someone sees my diaper (i.e. a health care worker or a massage therapist)they usually don’t comment, but when I have gotten comments, they have been along the lines of,”Those are cute.” That doesn’t bother me. If someone accidentally sees my diaper and is affected by the sight, that’s kind of on them how they react, much like a public reaction to a very noticeable birthmark or other unusual feature. In fact,I don’t purposefully show, but, if more people realized that a lot of adults wear diapers and some like their diapers to have personality, then we’d all be better off.
I've heard from other people that Crinklz perform better than Betterdty. I haven't personally tried any of the Crinklz, so I couldn't say one way or the other.

Regardless, the kind of comment that those people made was way out of line. It shows a basic lack of empathy. Most people are aware that incontinent people didn't choose to be incontinent, and making that sort of judgemental comment is uncalled for.

I'm sorry that happened to you.
wetdad said:
So, this is a topic that opens some doors. I use diapers of high quality that are not medical white too. My wife and I talked, I've done research, I choose to have some fun. There are choices that allow me to go all day and they have patterns that are fun. Auqanauts are in the mix.

Maybe yime to talk about this topic?

Wearing a diaper is private. Some non-incontinet have underwear that might have patterns, lace, interesting layout.

We should too. I like my choices and I make use of them. My wife and I see them. I see her underwear too. I find happiness in choice and it does something for me sexually but more importantly, usefulness and dignity.

Maybe think they were jealous for not having choice like we do. I'm willing to provide some guidance if desired, but depends and always are not our only choices!

nothing to talk about with my wife. My wife knows what I wear. She doesn't give a crap. She thinks they're "cute" and will smack me on the butt sometimes. We both are at the point of making light of it. Having someone as supportive as her is probably the only thing that got me through the early stages.

unless you meant talk about this topic here, on the forum...then I agree.

I see ABDL as harmless, but I tend to HATE ABDL stuff just because such a massive number of ABDL people infect, infest, and destroy legitimate incontinence support forums. The fetish itself is pretty tame as far as weird sexual fetishes go and since it harms no one, I don't really judge. I think everyone, whether they admit it or not, is into some weird shit to some degree.

I don't really "like" baby patterns and graphics, but I can see they can be kind of fun....but what I've mostly found is that ABDL products tend to be very well made and have insane capacities. I got a sample of crinklz when I was already wearing Better Dry regularly and they just seemed to swell more that the Better Dry. So I switched over. Definitely not for the pattern, fun or not.

I've also tried Rearz Barnyards and those are AMAZING, but not really financially realistic and they're way too bulky for day time wear. But I do have some on hand for night time and will wear them occaisionally. I understand the Rearz inspire +incontrol are similar capacity but same issue with them being so expensive plus shipping from Canada.

At the end of the day, I've been incontinent, severely, for almost 6 years now and I kind of own it. I keep it private and can live with it. But being seen in a childish diaper in public was super awkward. Doesn't really ruin my day though, I'm already kind of laughing about it.
@MikeJames I feel for ya, I’ve been in a similar situation a couple of times, it’s really easy to get complacent and accidentally expose part of your underwear. It’s a big part of the reason why I wear overalls most of the time, and when I can’t wear overalls I’ll wear a onesie or something similar. I already deal with general anxiety, so doing what I can to avoid those awkward situations definitely helps to avoid some of my anxiety.
MikeJames said:
I was just at Lowes getting some stuff for the house and while squatted/crouched down to try to pull a chainsaw from the bottom shelf my shirt rode up revealing my crinklz aquanaut. I heard a muffled giggle and whisper "oh my god that guy is wearing a diaper". I turn around and see a teenage girl and her mom who both quickly tried to look away and pretend like I didn't hear her.

I've always hated ABDL diapers and everything ABDL, but use the crinklz because I'm convinced they have more SAP than regular BetterDry. Maybe they aren't different, but they seem to have a slightly different fit and work better for me...maybe it's all in my head.

Anyway I was absolutely mortified by this. I'm usually very careful and conscious of this but not this time. Diaper on full display for anyone to see.

I still had more shopping to do and ran into them again a few aisles over but they quickly averted their gaze to the floor.

Hi Mike, Please don't let that bother you. I used to be self conscious. I'm 70 yrs old now and it's so nice to be free from all that garbage. They will never remember you nor you them. Your healing is more important than their giggles. What if you squatted down and didn't have a pull up on. Now THAT would be embarrassing.
Hi Mike, Please don't let that bother you. I used to be so self conscious. I'm 70 yrs old now and it's so nice to be free from all that garbage. They will never remember you nor you them. Your healing is more important than their giggles. What if you squatted down and didn't have a pull up on. Now THAT would be embarrassing.
A good one, @Maymay941! I would NOT rather see a plumber's crack, thank you very much! But what a great retort!!! :D
Some teen girls cam be very, mean. After an Easter church service my transgender granddaughter was in the lobby of the church near a group of girls, college freshmen, who were looking at her and exchanging "knowing" looks. I wanted to approach them and educate them about my granddaughter's struggle with gender identity. But I didn't. My granddaughter at the time was just 15 and all of her friends had always accepted her and still do today. I accepted the probability that these college girls were actually "uneducated."

Plus said granddaughter does not like for me to confront people or try to explain. She said I can refer people to her and she will explain to them. She just wants to be accepted for who she is and not who people want her to be.

BTW - Ididntthink-- I took a picture of one of my grandson's who was in the front yard with his 2-year old daughter raking leaves for me. When he knelt down his jeans slipped down even past his butt crack and he obviously had on no underpants. When I showed him the picture he was not embarrassed. He thought it was funny. I'm not sure what his response would have been if a stranger had taken the picture, but I expect he would have been embarrassed and angry too. That would have been somebody making fun of him. I took the picture as a means of instructing him to buy pants that fit him better. I understand your feelings MikeJames. It's very hurtful.
I actually have tried the Crinklz diapers and thought they were quite absorbent too.... Now normally I would not buy an abdl diaper, but I couldn't resist the price.. 5 bucks for a whole bag!! Since I've had to start wearing diapers again, I always try to find a deal on them. I have several thrift shops in the area, and I find quite often, they have disposable diapers in stock.

Usually, they are generic off-brand diapers that someone has donated, after an elderly family member has passed away. This has even happened to us in the past, while cleaning out the home of a deceased aunt, we found several bags of adult diapers that we donated. (We never knew she had a problem!) So about a month ago, I'm making my rounds of the thrift shops, and I find an un-opened bag of Crinklz diapers in my size, for $5.00... Well, ABDL diaper or not, I grabbed them. I WAS a little red-faced at the checkout, but the lady just checked me out like normal, no big deal thing...
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