Well that didn’t go as planned - pt and bowel stuff


Staff member
I had a bowel movement before i left the house so I thought I was good. I had about an hour before pt so I got a coffee. The coffee here never gives me any issues. Well half way through pt I felt the urge to go. So I excused myself and wheeled to the bathroom. Well before I could get my diaper down I started to go. I somehow got it in my bodysuit and had to throw that away. I don’t know if I got it anywhere else and won’t know until I get home and shower. I am so embarrassed. I’m on my way home now and can’t wait to crawl in the shower and just cry.
I know it's frustrating, but hey: it isn't your fault, and you were able to clean up afterwards. their will be plenty of oppotunities for successfull trips out without any accidents. you just wait... the next one will be better and more successfull. :)
Well as "they" say, tomorrow will be a better day! And I find that's usually true. I'm sorry that happened to you but after all you're human and things like that do happen. I'm sure the PT people were very understanding and they help patients who face similar things every day.
And we'll go with what @emily91 said and know the next time will be better and more successful.
I think the best thing to do is to chill for awhile and watch an entertaining movie or listen to music you especially like.
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