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Any of the guys on here get these? I don't think I've ever had one but suddenly yesterday I felt a burning sensation when "finishing" during intimacy my wife. Since then every time I urinate it burns and I feel like I have to go non stop. When I do go, not much comes out and what does feels like battery acid.

I didn't think men got UTIs much but what else could this be? I'm not sexually active with anyone other than my wife and she feels fine.

I have an old course (unexpired) of amoxycillin in the cabinet that I'm thinking about taking to save myself a trip to the doctor.
Well if this is what this is, I have a ton of sympathy for people who get them regularly. This is extremely unpleasant.
Hey @MikeJames, to answer your question in a word, yep! I've had at least a couple of them that I can remember. And you are right, it does burn when you gotta go! And you do think you are pushing out battery acid as well!
A few weeks ago I said in a post here that I saw my former doctor (he isn't on my current insurance plan, maybe a good thing) with a UTI and he told me, "men shouldn't get urinary tract infections." Well, guess what? We can and we do get them! :O And I remember my dad said he had at least two over the years. And he was a man! :D So we do get 'em! The doc gave me antibiotics and it cleared up. I went for a follow up with a urologist.
How old is the amoxicillin you have in the cabinet? If it's several months old, or was prescribed in the last year or two, it may have lost its effectiveness and it wouldn't give the infection the knock-out punch it needs. If it were me, I would still go to the doctor and get a new prescription just so I could knock out the infection for once and for all! You don't need to have a low-grade infection hanging around your body for weeks at a time. So I would just bite the bullet and pay a visit to the doctor!
I know what you mean, Mike. I, too, sympathize with people who get them regularly. It is definitely no picnic at the beach! :(
@MikeJames If you have seen your doctor within the last 3 to 6 months, they may do a televisit or just call you in a new prescription.
I had a uti back in 2007. Thought I was peeing razor blades. Was in hospital for 3 days. Given high doses of antibiotics. Cleared up fast. Was out of work for only about 2 weeks. Haven't had one since, thank God.
I just got back from urgent care. Found bacteria in my urine. Got a script for keflex (cephalexin) and he wants to send me for a kidney ultrasound to rule out kidney stones given the blood I'm passing.

I feel like i have to pee literally constantly but very comes out im going so often. Several drops of blood at the end of my stream. This is AWFUL!

it's making my incontinence worse too. Thank god i wear diapers. Feel like i have a near constant dribble.
One good way to knock out a UTI fast is Sulfur pills. Just for future reference. 1 or 2 pills does the trick for most kinds of UTI’s.
I would go to the doctor. They’ll look at your Uribe under a microscope to identify the best antibiotic to use. Different bacteria require different antibiotics. You may waste your Amoxicillin if it doesn’t treat the bacteria you have.

Men can absolutely get UTIs, particularly if a speck of poo gets in your urethra, like from anal sex. You can also get one due to a chemical system in your system.
@MikeJames Well done going and drink lots of fluids to neutralize the urine, it will lessen the burning sensation too.
HI MIke, glad to see you went to urgent care and got a prescription. I might have had Keflex before, not sure. But it's good you're staying on top of it. And do have them check for kidney stones because the fact there is blood is also a sure sign you need follow-up treatment. Hope you feel better soon! :)
@MikeJames I’m glad you went to a doctor. It does sound like you may have a kidney stone because of the blood. I’ve had them before. They’re way, way, way worse than a UTI and unfortunately an antibiotic won’t treat them, but it won’t hurt, either. The stone(s) have to pass before you’ll get relief. Here’s hoping that somehow you “just” have a UTI. If you do, your symptoms will be quickly dramatically decreased (like, gone within three days).

I love Keflex/Cephalexin. It’s my favorite antibiotic because it doesn’t make me sick. I’ve actually been on it for 3.7 years because I have MRSA that won’t go away. I got MRSA in January 2017 when I had five surgeries in five weeks at five different hospitals. I also may have caught it from my diabetic dad who I care for. He’s had multiple partial amputations and been hospitalized often. I hate having MRSA; it’s a ticking time bomb. I’ve seen how it put my parents in the ICU for weeks for minor illnesses, almost killing them. MRSA waits in your body for you to get sick with something that threatens your immune function, like the flu or pneumonia. Then MRSA kicks in and makes you 10x (or worse!) sicker. Having MRSA is the primary reason I’m terrified of getting COVID. I would be on a ventilator within days and probably wouldn’t survive. Also, my lungs are permanently scarred from having been hospitalized for two weeks with pneumonia when I was 11 years old.

In the meantime, Keflex keeps me from getting wretched MRSA boils (think 1” in diameter in the least comfortable places you can imagine having such a thing) on my skin and keeps it somewhat in check in general. MRSA boils last for 4-7 weeks. Boil scars are disgusting! I’d much rather take Keflex every day for the rest of my life than get one of those things again! My Infectious Disease Specialist has had me take the way stronger MRSA antibiotics several times (horrid side effects!), for several weeks, but damn MRSA just won’t leave my system. It’s scary. My mom still has MRSA, too, despite having been on the drastic antibiotics for months while in the hospital last year. The side effects of those strong antibiotics are enough to kill you - not exaggerating. She doesn’t get MRSA boils, though, so she doesn’t have to stay on Keflex.

I’m super grateful for Keflex in the meantime! Taking it also prevents me from being contagious and spreading MRSA to anyone else.
@DeanLikesToHelp, I'm glad that they work for you. However I lost a friend because of sulfa meds. It literally burned him up! And I'm not talking about fever either. He was allergic to it. A doctor would be best if you don't know how you would react.
@MezaJarJarBinks I’m very sorry to hear about your friend. Yes anything a person takes should be prescribed from a doctor. These would have to be as well. I never took the whole prescription because it only took me 2 pills to clear up. But I will say after taking those 2, my tongue was more sensitive and brushing my teeth felt very very spicy. It’s definitely harsh stuff.
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