

Staff member
I had my first uti in decades but to know one is to know one i correctly self diagnosed.
Talk about urge to pee but nothing then some times a huge deluge out of no warning. On the floor, in front of my daughter. Thank GOD she replaced carpet with quality laminate flooring.
Nice young woman doctor was so compasionate about nocturia but said one can go to a urogynocologist and get tests! They can prescribe physical therapy to teach kegels! But, sad shake of the head, sometimes it is just a condition one has to live with.
Gotta love modern doctors.
The antibiotic worked immediately on uti and no longer pissing like a whale on a beach.
Yes, May, I so understand. I was getting up too 4 UTI's per year, and it was because of my straight cathing, eventually I'm now using a new straight cath that works much better for me, and a regimen of monthly Foleys for dilation.
Oh yes, my PCP has me see one of her PA's and she checks for UTI's much differently that is removing a Foley or preparing for a Foley placement then taking a fresh sample with the insertion, and then medicating me properly
Yes May, I really do have a very protective group in my healthcare. I thank most of it to my PCP. She expects other medical people that she sends me too for specialties, to do that also. But my immediate, is like this also. So happy I'm this fortunate
Mezza Jar Jar how are you? I was thinking of you yesterday wondering if you will up date us in your progress after procedure. Sending wishes for health and comfort
MayMay, I got one UTI/month for 4 months last winter. Really hard to pee in a little cup to get a urine sample they could culture so doctor could prescribe the correct antibiotic. If I didn't get it cultured, I would frequently be prescribed an antibiotic that didn't work. I am soooo grateful I haven't gotten any since.
I blame myself, i are a bag of pepperidge farm cookies in 2 days. That is a serious intake of sugar and the uti came on after.
Love ❤️ Pepperidge farm cookies. Although my diabetes I shouldn’t eat them😩
Sad state of affairs...they are delicious.
I shouldn't eat them, either, because I am diabetic. When I want a sweet, I usually go to a bakery and buy one cookie. If I had a bag of Pepperidge Farm chocolate chip cookies, I would eat all the cookies in one or two days.
I loved the thin and crispy but no more, they were too irresistible. I should be a diabetic 5hee way i can glom onto those cookies
That bag wouldn’t last 30 minutes...lol
I’m actually on a weight loss program and have lost about 20 lbs so far. 800 calorie Leto based diet although I have switched to eating normal dinner with my honey. So probably 1200 calorie diet.
I feel better so sticking with it. There would have been a time I would have eaten the whole bag but she taught me to keep N eye on the actual nutrition value of food now. So little by little I am learning better eating habits.
Nah, just want to be able to keep seeing the lower half of my body...lol
It is so much easier on my two knees that are overdue for replacement.
The funny part is keeps trying to sabotage the diet I’m on by trying to get me to eat sweet stuff. Can’t do that. I’m diabetic and on insulin not to mention it really what’s out the plan I’m on. Oh well guess I can start over tomorrow.
Anyone do anything fun this extended weekend? I just finished a new craft room for my love. She was 😊 happy and the new shelves and such really make a nice place so she can work on her projects. So Blessed 😊
I've seen that phenomena of the living family sabotage before also!
In my case it also happened. My daughter kept urging chocolate chip cookies st me after i said i have a uti and will ve avoiding sugar fooda. 3 days now of being asked do i want a cookie!
The other extreme i see frequently is the controller partner who wants to tell you what every spoonful or bite you can take of what food. That drives the individual with diabetes to become wildly defiant and sneak the worst foods.
The weekend fun Jim...i am the chief cook and bottle washer for my extremely intelligent and lively 6 yr old grand daughter (thank you for letting me brag i never get to do this). Much of the time its rushing her through breakfast and organizing for school and picking up and such. A fair amount of parenting dont do this dont do that so this instead etc but Sunday i got to to play with a nerf gun and a junior geology kit play cards teach her to knit
Sounds like you had a great time! Grand kids are so much fun even if they are my honey’s grandkids. Still love getting to do life stuff with them. Good to have moments we can appreciate.
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