Uro appointment conclusion


Staff member
The uro seems to think that the volume and frequency from Diabetes Insipidus has damaged the detrusor muscle, the short answer is there is nothing he can do.
What a terrible disappointment that must be to hear. Would you be a candidate for an artificial spinchter? We have a friend who had one after cancer surgery and it works well for him.
Is a second opinion a possibility? Some doctors seem too willing to throw up their hands and declare that there'snothing they can do, but others are more willing to really investigate the issues and find solutions.
I am diabetic and urinary incontinent. I have seen Doctors and the urology team several times and I was told that apart from risky surgery that may or may not work there was little could be done. I was prescribed vesicare and then a similar pill with a diferent name but they both affected my vision by making my eyes constantly dry and did little for my bladder problems.
I was also refered to a continence nurse. She was brilliant and helped me accept and deal with my problem
@Rothpirate16 Are you taking medication to treat the Diabetes Insipidus, such as Desmopressin/Vasopressin? If so, any improvements? With DI, are you primarily a bedwetter but fine during the day?
I have taken vasopressin twice with mixed results. I am seeing an endocrinologist soon. My bladder empties at least once a night, since I am usually holding with my urethral sphincter, but can’t while I’m sleeping. Daytime involves lots of planning and some accidents.
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