Urinary leakage starts 18 months after surgery


Staff member
Experienced urinary leakage for about 6 weeks after the surgery. No issues after that. Now 18 months later it is happening again. Why
Unfortunately I doubt any of us will know. I hope that you have a supportive urologist that can review your symptoms and hopefully find some treatment options that help. I'm sure this is very stressful and frustrating. Best of luck in your search for solutions.
I probably worded the question wrong. I can't find anything on leakage starting again. Not too sure about my urologist. May have to find another. Went to see him about this and he seems to think this is normal. My general md doesn't think it's related to Graves disease. I asked my urologist about it and his reply was, oh yeah I saw that in your blood work. Really and you didn't mention it? No faith in him. May have to go elsewhere. Was hoping the community may have some insight. There is no information on the internet about leakage starting 18 months after surgery.
For myself if you don’t think a Doctor is listening or supporting you and you have the option I would search out a different Doctor. I’m on my third Urologist, and while I’m still without a diagnosis I feel he listens and ask good questions and recommends tests that to me make sense. My first Doctor went from you have prostatitis to you need surgery and my second Doctor was honest and admitted he didn’t know. Best of luck in feeling heard and finding a solution.
I can relate with you on the useless doctor issue. I had the same issue with my doctor. Said she noticed over 100 wbc in my urine and says an incompetent thing like " it's normal everyone has that ". I couldn't believe the level of incompetence. Not only is she incorrect but the degree to which she is incorrect is mind-blowing. As for the leakage I had the same issue but for me I tracked it to invert sugar and sodium pyrophosphate. Additives the food industry puts into food to cut corners and make more profit at the expense of the consumer health. I noticed when I consumed them I would have extreme urgency and leakage and when I stopped consuming them the urgency and leakage subsided. Not 100% completely but it was reduced by approximately 90 %.
Some of the food additives really can mess with folks that are sensitive to ingredients. I wish companies would consider what all their extra ingredients do to some folks. Glad you figured out some of the issue. Doctors tend to overlook the accepted norm such as food additives for people as a whole. They should try harder to keep that on their radar. What did the lab report say for bacteria found?
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