urge incontinence at work


Staff member
i need some advice with urge incontinence. at this time i drive construction truck locally and as soon at i get the urge im normally able to stop and relieve myself before i have an accident. unfortunately i cant always stop witch causes an accident. has anyone found a good pullup that stays on and doesnt leak when sitting and that has a decent capacity beings im not always able to change after every accident. i dont like diapers as it takes to much time and work if im able to stop. im also a skin guy that has a 29inch waist witch make it very hard for me to find somthing that fits
What is sheath catheter? Also I have worn depends then put a pad in front. The pad holds a lot then just put in bew pad. Any overage can easily be held in diaper
North shore has some great pull ups but honestly it will depend on how large your voids are. You can also add a pad to a pull up as well. Another brand to check out would be abena for their pull-ups, abena abri-flex as they are decent too.

However if your voids can be very large you may find a tape on brief as far superior as I found that. Once I switched from pull-ups to full tape on briefs I do not have to worry about leaks anymore. Granted it took awhile for me to accept it but am so happy I did. Also I am slightly confused on your comments about briefs taking longer to put on. Where they win immensely for me is that I can change a brief without having to take off my pants and shoes. Which is not the case with pull-ups so I just chose to accept I have to wear diapers and what a relief it was. I didn’t have to worry so much of leaks, easier to change when out and about, and they held my volumes I discharge. ;). Oh the joys of incontinence. Lol.

Hopefully you find something that works for you!
I'll second the sheath catheter. It works very well when I have to be out and about without being able to get to the bathroom when I need to. I have never had a problem with it and it gives me a great feeling of confidence. It's something that I use once in a while, so there's no worry about my progress training my abdominal base muscle being hampered.
I use inview condom catheters.Much more freedom than diapers and you don't feel like you've always got a load of crap between your legs.You can wear your own underwear.I second the idea of an overnight urine bag for the truckers.Can easily switch to a leg bag when needed.
@Doug Sheath catheters or condom catheters are just like a sticky condom that sticks to your skin and has a flexible piece of pipe on the end which can be connected to a leg bag. Sizing is so important with these and to choose the smaller size preferably if you are in-between sizes. Coloplast make the Convene and Holister do the Inview. Check them out.
Bioderm makes a really good one for retracted men or really any guy that wants to try an excellent device that just attaches to the head of the penis.
@tln Snap". Just like pads, it's important to get the right one for you. I wore Coloplast for years and they cut me at the base of my penis to where the scrotum is attached. I went over to Holister and "short" version and no problems at all. I really recommend Holister leg bags, they are so comfortable to wear and very discrete.Great Bear are great for single use night bags. I have the 3L which gets me through the night.
@jrpoorman I tried those and didn't like how the flower felt over my head. I would imagine they are great for circumcised men.
It takes some getting used to for sure. I did the coloplast, Rochester and several others. They work pretty well. 🙂 the Hollister leg bags are great, especially the vented ones. They keep the condom cath from collapsing and let’s it drain normally.
Maybe a Hospital-type urinal with lid. Then just pull over to use. Don't drink and drive? Same principle.
WWII fighter planes: some pilots and squadrons had improvised hose to outside. With flight suits (simpler then) and parachute and seat belts and tight room, it must have been awkward, to say the least. But what else did they have to do on way to and from the target or fight?
Not sure what the big long-range bombers with 10 crew members did. Never thought to ask, and bet it would be hard to find records! Some plane types might be in air for 12 hours. Since many Bombers had improvised coffee makers, well....
Carriers used to have a wet diaper award - sometimes needed for a newbee's first landing on carrier. Or so I'm told.
i dont want to use any kinda catheter as mentally it freaks me out and my job is very physical as i load and chain down equipment all day witch i would think i would pop the bag when i lift chains and trowing them. when i say diapers take longer i mean when i am able to make it to a bathroom, witch is normaly just peeing on my truck tire outside. a tape daiper takes to long to undo and redo, and cant realy do that next to my truck.i normally only have 1 or two accident a day and somedays dont have any.
Check out the pull-up pants from Northshore, they do a good job and if you need a little more absorbency they have doublers that fit in the pull-up that absorb a good bit. That way if you need to pull off and take a pee it’s still easy to pop it out and go👍.
You can also try the depend pull ups and tuck on of the depend guards in the front of it (don’t peel off the tape) then if it gets wet you can toss that easily and still have the pull-up dry for the rest of the day🙂
If you need greater absorption instead of one of the guards just tear the sides off a baby diaper and use that instead. They work great and are more for the price you pay in many areas.
jrpoorman said:
It takes some getting used to for sure. I did the coloplast, Rochester and several others. They work pretty well. 🙂 the Hollister leg bags are great, especially the vented ones. They keep the condom cath from collapsing and let’s it drain normally.

I saw that Hollister are making vented bags now. How on earth doesn't the bag leak if it is vented?
Not sure but the ones they had several years ago were great if you used a condom catheter. They keep the tip from collapsing. Used to get them severL years ago.
I loved the pipe too as they were oval in shape and not round so they were more discrete under trousers. I still have some samples of them and just keep them for days when I am going out and need to fill more than 350ml. Another amazing thing about those bags are the straps, I have filled the bag up and the bag doesn't move on my leg at all.
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