

Staff member
Hey everyone! I figured I give an update on my situation and life. I think I finally have the desmopressin pills down: my problem was taking the pills with a lot of water and a meal. I found that these pills will always work if I only have a few sips of water. There are side effects like being gassy and a few aches here and there but not too much. When I feel I've taken too much for one week I switch over to the North Shore briefs. This seems to be working well and the accidents are to a minimum with a few slipups. I've also taken Snow's advice with their disposable bed pad technique and that helps to keep the washing days at bay.

As for my doctor, I still haven't called but I think I will when the pills start to run out. By then I'll be able to give her a complete rundown of how they worked with me. A side note: I was also going to try a therapist to see if the problem lies mentally but unfortunately my insurance doesn't cover the cost so I'll have to try somewhere else and I already have trust issue :( so we'll see!

Lastly I'm going to be starting classes and clinicals this fall so I'll be on here less but I am still here! This community has helped me realize a lot of things and given so much advice and I only hope to return the favor with what little I have in information.

I hope you all have a great day! On my side of town, the weather is getting chillier so I'm starting to bundle up. If that's the same with you, I hope you bundle up too!
Hi 23andpee, That's exciting that you're starting classes and clinicals this fall. Does that mean you're in some kind of medical curriculum? If so that's wonderful. Thje medical field needs plenty of good people and I think you'd fit right in. And of course you have everyone's best wishes here. But even if it isn't medical, that is still great. You go girl!!!:D :D:D I hope you can still drop in from time to time to say hi and let us know how you're getting along.
Sounds like you're getting into the desmospressin routine and it's good you're taking notes and will be able to talk to your doctor when you see her.
And you know, on my side of town it's still muggy and it just rained cats and dogs for a few minutes. Not the slightest bit chilly yet or any time soon. Florida is not known for chilly weather in the summer! But maybe if you can send some of the chilly down my way....
I'm happy for you about starting classes and clinicals this fall. Wonderful to have something to look forward to!
@billliveshere Hi Billi! Thanks for the encouragement. I'm definitely going for the medical field; I'd like to become a worldwide dental hygienist someday. My mom has never liked to smile because she felt like her teeth were unworthy somehow so I wanted to be the person to help her smile bright one day. I hope I can!
Wow, a worldwide dental hygienist! :D (the most appropriate emoticon for that!) Now that is a great career and something that is really needed! I kind of know how your mom feels, as I feel the same way, and it is wonderful that you want to be the person to help her be able to smile one day. And you put your mind to it and you will be able to help her and plenty of others with their teeth. And from knowing you on this forum I really believe you're going to do it! You've got it in you!
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