Update from todays PCP appointment


Staff member
PCP confirmed that I am heading into my September 8th general surgery appointment with the pretense of setting up my next surgery.

That surgery will be a removing my bowel and sewing things up like the CRNP from Gastroenterology said.

I also got set up to see a New GI doctor today and that is happing the same day that I am seeing the nutritionist so that is a good thing.

Not looking forward to the 8th as I want to get this done with asap but have to make sure that I am well enough or not in hospital during the 1st of November due to my social security hearing.

I also have to make sure that I have my care team in place. I was already told by PCP that he is pushing for a new case manager as well as feels that I will need at-home care for the first month home at least. (My Ins covers a home health nurse and I will use whatever they offer)

This does take some stress away as the whole surgery will all but set in stone my social security claim.

I do have to call my agent tomorrow as my PCP said that they should call for a GI doctor to be able to explain my case to the disability judge. (I have the right to subpoena for the hearing)

My PCP said my case is so complex with coding that he could not explain all the codes in a case setting without a lot of pre-research that GI would know.

So, yea. Not happy about this but nothing I can do about it.

I just wish that I had some explanation as to why this all happened because it doesn't make sense that just constipation caused this much damage but I am no doctor.

PCP wants my new GI to explain my case to me when I see them so that is another thing. Luckily everything is getting done in the next ten days so now it is just waiting.
Sounds like you are starting to get a good plan in place which is a great start. Hope things go well for you as you prepare for your surgery.
Congrats @thatflguy!
Changing PCP’s in the midst of such a complicated situation is a very stressful thing since they kind of coordinate all of your care with the specialists and I can tell you from experience it’s not always easy to get somebody to pick you up in the middle. When we first moved to Raleigh 9 years ago, it took me almost a year to get a new PCP, while my Docs in Chicago tried their best to manage me long distance. I happened to be in such a situation recently myself once again as my GREAT Doc of 7+ years moved to Colorado. She set me up with a close friend who appears to be another winner as well, but I know I’m very lucky with all the crap I’ve got going on.
The reason I’m telling you all of this is it would not have moved so smoothly had you not been right on top of things, so GREAT JOB!
Another note, from experience I might not tell your new GI Doc you need to subpoena him/her for your disability case on your first meeting, Doctors hate having to testify, Surgeons are even worse. In my case, this is where my med/ surgical history I created for myself came in very handy. My attorney gave the judge a copy of my history and written statements from my surgeons prior to court. I have to admit I was a bit nervous as he asked to speak privately in his chambers and my lawyers jaw about hit the floor. Turned out the judge was a great guy, asked me what I had planned when this is over! We talked cars & guns for about 20 minutes then walked back out!
The reason this has so many horror stories is in the 2006-07-08 market turn down hordes of people turned to disability when their unemployment ran out, and disability law firms popped up like zits on the face of an 8th grader, many crooked.
I suggest you put together a personal document similar to what I did, make sure to include how this has affected all of your life, not only your ability to work and get it presented with the Doctor reports and I can “ALMOST” guarantee things will go smoothly for you, as you become a person in the judges eyes, not just another scammer etc.
Wishing you nothing but the best!
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