Total incontinence


Staff member
Any relief for 80-year old female? Have/had OAB but lately it’s developed into total incontinence. Have had numerous antibiotics, no joy.
Im so sorry my dear. Older women dont catch much of a break.
We start having a monthly menstrual flow at 11 and have children and then menopause. So our plumbing is given a work out.
The good news is women are accustomed to adapting and taking care of our bodies by a lifetime of conditioning.
Please do not feel alone, because women around you are going through this too, many many women, across the world, in your own community. Do not take it personally and do seek anti depressants if needed but do NOT allow doctors to disrespect you. Just hold your head high and be as kind as you can to yourself because you've long earned the right to be comfortable in your body.
I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I am 67 and have OAB. I do not have total incontinence and my condition has improved greatly after I started going to a uro-gyne. She placed me on meds and recommended the IC diet. Some people have benefited from pelvic floor exercises, botox etc. but I know little about other treatments.
So sorry to hear of your struggle. I’m a 50 something yr old male but still feel for you and the others facing total incontinence. It can’t hurt to check with a urog-gynecologist. I had not hear of them before here and my urologist office but apparently they can make a world of improvement.
MayMay is wonderful and is a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to so many. So happy to read her posts. And remember too, to take care of your needs too. Obviously there are adult diapers and such. There is an anal tampon that acts as an internal barrier/cork if you will to prevent fecal leakage. They work well, you do need to use a lubricant like KY jelly to insert them though. They aren’t uncomfortable and are good for 12 hours. Called Peristeen. Hope this helps. Be well my friend.
Try and look past the initial shock and reality of complete incontinence. I'm proof that adapting and accepting is better then dwelling and denial.
I went from being told I'd never walk again, then told I'd be partially paralyzed but after 7 surgeries and countless months of rehabilitation and exercising I'm left with total incontinence and a few SCI (spinal cord injury) issues.
Bottom line is that I was alive and I promise you that in the big picture it's very manageable! Watching what/when you eat and few other adjustments you can live a very productive life.

My 2 cents...
For sure Sport, women are not the only ones to experience lose of control of bodily functions. I was replying to an older woman with the idea that like it or not we are experienced in not having control of our body fluids some for many decades. Cold comfort, but there it is. Women have a lot of uncontrollable fluid experience.
That is really the crux of the matter though, recognizing what we CAN control in our lives and what we do with our abilities to control the outcome of what we CAN'T control.
I am after yet anotherr relatively sleepless night contemplating the nature of self forgiveness as the way to move forward so many factors that we cant comtrol, and those that we do.
Make the effort to be as clean and respectful of common spaces, eat well as one can, rest well as one can, do small acts of kindness as one can and self respectvwill follow.
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