Tired of being taken advantage of. Aide woes.


Staff member
So this is a bit off topic but related to my care. My current aide keeps taking time off and not reporting it to the agency making me ultimately without an aide for days on end and screwed. She said she really likes me because I’m so “flexible” but I feel as though I’m being taken advantage of. She took 5 days off last week and wants 2 days off the week after next. This is getting too much. I called the agency to request a new aide and have asked that they not say that I requested a new aide to the current one. I don’t want to be made to feel guilty. I wish I wasn’t so damn nice but I’m finally putting my foot down.
Good for you!!

She is a common sort in this line of work but by not reporting her time not working and getting paid while you need care it is not acceptable.
Its hard work day in day out tho.
Hi EJ, you are paying for a service that is not being provided to you so of course you have every right to speak to the agency and insist on a new aide. After all there is no reason on God's green earth why you feel you should allow someone like that to take full advantage of your good nature. By requesting all of this time off she is not living up to her responsibility and she needs to be brought up short on that!! The aide has an obligation to work her hours as specified in her contract with the agency and if she feels she can't meet her obligation then she should clear out so someone who takes her job seriously can step in and give you the type of care and service that you deserve.
I agree with May that being an aide is hard work on a day in and day out basis but it is truly work that not everyone is cut out for.
Quite frankly, I think the aide who you had needs to know without a doubt why she no longer works for you. She did not do you any favors by leaving you in the lurch.
And most of all, please don't feel guilty about this!! This aide did not give you good service and it's not right that your health and happiness be affected by an aide who did not live up to her obligations to her client, which is you!
AS far as you're concerned, you are Number One which means you are fully entitled to the best help that is available.
Hi there. I think she’s taking paid vacation from your packet instead from her agency. The truth is the agency does not pay for its employees vacation so your aid fund a way to compensate that.Request her work description from her agency and stick to it for you comfort. Good luck 👍
@justej no need to feel guilty, I do understand what you mean tho. You have an aid because you need the help. Its her job and if shes not willing or able to do it for whatever reason it doesnt change the fact that you still need this help. I think you did the right thing and probably handled it better than I would lately.
I've known a few people that have had home health care aides, and they have all had problems getting a good aide. The only way to handle it is to ask the company for a replacement. You did the right thing.
Yeah, I don't think you should feel bad one bit EJ. If you were in hospital and the nurse never takes care of you, you could sue for malpractice. You need help and your aid is not filling the task so do what you have to to get your needs cared for.
In all reality from some of these posts just call and request a new agency. Good people are hard to come by though.
Thanks everyone and sorry for the late reply. It’s been a crazy couple of days. I got a new aide for both the week and weekend. My weekend aide isn’t very…friendly but she does the things I need her to do. I have her from like 4:30-12:30 but I honestly don’t need her past like 9 because my old ass goes to bed! I haven’t met my week aide yet. I’ll meet her tomorrow. Hopefully she will be nice. I have an appointment at 1 with my leg mechanic tomorrow so she will go with me to that. And I screwed up the sleeve on my leg so I’ll be in my wheelchair. But yea it’s good that I got the aide fired from my shifts. Hopefully it will be on the up and up from here.
Hi EJ, I hope y our weekday aide will be friendly too. As for the weekend one, give her a chance and she may warm up a bit!! Then again she may be kind of shy around new people and once she knows what to expect from you and what you can expect from her, then the dynamic may improve!! In a situation like that the thing to do is to find common ground. I don't know what that is at this point but once it happens, then you'll know it!! But as long as she's willing to do the things you need her to do then that's half the battle!!
Good luck tomorrow with your "leg mechanic!!" And while you're waiting there that's a good time to start to get to know your new aide.
Oh hell!!! An hour and 15 minutes late???? That really sucks rocks!!!
Maybe she has a flat tire. But then again she probably has a phone and I'm sure you do so hopefully she'll soon get in a position to call you and explain why she's late. Hate when that happens!!☹☹
she is here now. she said she was at church and needed something to eat. ok well telling me would be nice. and honestly she should plan her time better if she wants to go to church and come here too. yea im bitter. at least she did some cleaning.
I agree that she could have planned her time better and it would have been nice if she had told you. But maybe give her another chance, sort of like that old "three strikes and you're out!!!!"
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