This is not okay.....


Staff member
Spent all day on the phone after yesterdays hell. So the issue with my long term claim is that I went to another PCP and when I was still trying to go to work my GI doctor sent information saying I could work without restrictions but that was before any other this got as bad as it is. Now I have to wait to see what they say until Monday... I have appointments at the end of the month with GI and PCP but that puts me in a big problem with bills. The big issue is that I don't have paperwork for the GI and PCP to fill out so I have to figure out what I can do because this is not okay..the manager I talked to with the insurance company said that there should not have been this problem considering that my short term clam was so solid. So I hope that what I sent from my physical therapist help clear things up..
Have you spoken to a lawyer about all this runaround? Many lawyers will take on a case such as yours if they feel they will win. I have seen more than one case where the professionals 'get their act together' when you bring in representation. To be honest, I've not read every post that you have written, but all the same, it sounds like they are trying to wear you down and make you want to give up. DON'T whatever you do, give up this battle. You need to know your rights, and your entitlements so that your expectations will be realistic. Trust me, if the law doesn't require the other side to do something, they are NOT going to do it. If the law does require them to cover you, it may still be up to you to force them to do fulfill their obligations. It isn't fair, but it is how this sort of thing works. Praying for you.
@jeffswet We’ve been telling him that already for months and months. He doesn’t actually take anybody’s advice; he just wants sympathy.
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