Things you cannot live without. Hobbies, ect.


Staff member
For me, one of the big ones is a camera. Lately, I have not taken a lot of photos but in the past, I would average thousands a year.

Other things include certain foods. Nardone Bros pizza, 5th avenue candy bars, bottle caps candy, or my grandmother's stuffed shells.

Knowing what the last few years have looked like for me and what the next few may be like I and trying to enjoy the best of life while I still can.
It is hard -good for you-we do the best we can-I did to stop staying up so late at night -I am killing myself with not getting enough sleep.
I don't have the problems you have, but with what I do have to contend with, I consider myself truly blessed that I have hope. All of the things you mention are important and they add to the quality of life. I have been able to continue with most activities that comprise my life, all because I am able to see the management of this problem we share is best handled with absorbent products. No one who knows or has found out has ever mocked me or tried to humiliate me because of it. It has been a long period of time that I've had to deal with this- since 1988, and it got much more severe in the last 8 or ten years, by which time I was used to using incontinence products. I'd tried everything else (specifically, catheters and the smaller, belted 'undergarments') and now know the shortcomings of each, so the 'trial' period is behind me. But you are right- we have to make our lives as good as they can be. Health issues need not displace enjoyment of life. I would like to give credit where credit is due: If God had not been part of my life, I wonder where I would be right now. Certainly, He has made this road easier for me to travel. I hope you also have faith. My best to you.
Dear TFLGUY et al: On the back 9 of life I am finding it's the small things that mean a lot. I have been an elite golfer since my college days (+4 HCP), won many events, 7 hole N One's, 2 Double Eagles, etc. I started to try and play again 8 months after my RP. In my second round, I shot a 96 and was ready to quit all together. I was so depressed and I was a hopeless and useless shadow of a man. My wife encouraged me to keep trying. I had moments of deep self-reflection and prayer. I decided to take control of what I could. I started working on balance drills and getting back into the gym at least twice a week. I was able to resume some of my ole practice routines like solid ball-striking, short game, and putting. It was not that much of a sacrifice. More than anything I just needed to get out of my easy chair and get moving again. The disease had caused me to become very content with being out of shape. I found that I could restore myself to better shape by developing the willingness to just get up and get moving..."don't let the ole man in" as the theme song of "The Mule" proclaims. In spite of some leaking, I just forged ahead. On Monday the 31st of May I shot my age of 74 on a regulation length par 72 golf course. Just 2 1/2 months prior I was ready to give up. I don't tell you this to brag or blow my own horn...I tell you this because regardless of where you are in your journey you can always strive for excellence within yourself! Whatever that goal might be for you I know that you can reach it. When you set goals you will create hope and when you reach those goals you will become an inspiration for many. You have already inspired me, keep on keepin on!!! Rayl in Arizona
For me, matters of faith are very important.
I have a degree in Christian ministry, a minor in psychology, and was in the process of getting a master's in Church history before finding out I had a chronic illness.

I have read hundreds of books on everything from theology, doctrine, Church formation, different denominational issues as well as preaching and teaching to the Bible to others.

It is not something that I bring up all the time because it is not everyone’s cup of tea. I have seen enough evidence to have an unbreakable faith.

Now that does not mean that I don’t still have questions. I still have areas of the faith where I don’t trust my own understanding yet. It has taken a long time for me to get to where I am, but this is not a journey that has a hard end to it.

Just to get a picture of how much studying I have done into this; I have 132 books on google play that all relate to Christian studies. I have another 200+ books on Apple books related to the same topic. And I have an 85% completion rate on 75% of all the digital books I own. (Some are only for reference so)

I can go more in-depth into what I know about all of this but this is not a place that I go in-depth on faith without being asked about it.
You ate always such an inspiration to me. I may not be in as bad a place physically as you are, but my life is certainly no bed of roses. You give me hope that there is peace ahead, I just have to believe.
graphicedge said:
You ate always such an inspiration to me. I may not be in as bad a place physically as you are, but my life is certainly no bed of roses. You give me hope that there is peace ahead, I just have to believe.

One of my favorite but passage of scripture is also the most misused, however, in the proper context, it is perfect. In our situation, it fits well and keeps us ever conscious of how lucky we are to be granted grace when we surely do not deserve it.

Philippians 4:12-13

12 I know how to make do with little, and I know how to make do with a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. 13 I am able to do all things through him[d] who strengthens me.
I’m the odd man out (again) as I have no faith. I do however do a gratitude list every day with my recovery sponsor. I’m envious at times of those with faith but alas I am bitter against it. I have been sexually assaulted by a man of faith. Kicked out of the church. And deserted by those of faith. It has left me with wanting none of it.
Amen, I always pray a lot and are a big believer. Please pray for a successful surgery tomorrow-thank you. Jesus, our Lord is not done with me yet. I had a baseball size tumor removed from my head on March 28,2011. The surgeon could not believe I did not have a stoke. I hate living alone. I have had a few boyfriends and really love this one the most. He does not have Jesus in his heart but he is catholic like I am. HE does take me to church every Saturday afternoon which is nice. I was able to get him an annulment from his marriage in the Catholica church. I enjoy life. I have a lot of physical issues and try not to get down in the dumps. I am going for my rotator cuff surgery and bicep repair tomorrow at 12 noon in Naples from Medicare. IT was supposed to be workmen comp but they didn't come though for me and I am tired of messing around with them. I found though an MRI I have a torn meniscus in my left knee. IN taking with my physical therapist I found that it is not bad enough to do surgery-yea. I can mend it through therapy and rest. I hope my workmen's med doctor writes the script for home therapy yes I can work on it while my arm is mending. They do not want me to do anything for 2 weeks which will be very hard on me. I was sick for so long with the brain tumor that it was very hard sometimes to go on. I gave up having children for MR. Wonderful who stole everything he possible could from me. I told him when we split up that money is not going to make him happy. It hurts that my step children and grand children have nothing to do with me after a 32 year marriage. Everything boils down to money. I lost my lawyer for my workmen comp case because I was a part time employee and there is no money in it for him. He quite on me and sent everything back saying the case still has merit but they cannot do it. I am hoping I can find a law school where 3rd years law students would have a real learning experience in dealing with the federal government. This is going to take years -I can tell you that now. I even think sometimes of calling Senator Scott who was our Governor to see if he knows anyone in one of the law schools in our state. Today with internet and computers it really doesn't matter where one lives. I live in my little manufacture home in my RV park. Enjoying each day as I can. I pray everyday and thank the Lord for my blessings of food, shelter, health care. running hot water, the places I have been, my car, the beautiful sunsets he makes-everything. I am so grateful. I wanted someone to love. I know Larry does not love me like I love him which is ok. He does care about me though. I do not watch that much TV with him. I find Tv most of the time very boring. I love my computer and all the things I can learn and read with it. I am so blessed. Thank you for sharing your faith-it is truly amazing that the Lord loves us so much. If anyone has any ideas on some lawyers -there is not money in a federal workmen comp case at all. A law school for a learning experience would be my best alternative. There are just some things I do not know how to do. I was thinking because this is the department of Labor and I was working for the department of commence that it would have to be federal court. Just thinking about this now. Any feedback is greatly appreicated.
justej said:
I’m the odd man out (again) as I have no faith. I do however do a gratitude list every day with my recovery sponsor. I’m envious at times of those with faith but alas I am bitter against it. I have been sexually assaulted by a man of faith. Kicked out of the church. And deserted by those of faith. It has left me with wanting none of it.

Bitter is not always a bad thing. Trust me, I went from living on my college campus in 2013 to back home in Fl. Tried to restart my life there and everything went to heck in a handbasket. Started going back to Church in 2015 and then moved churches to one I use to go to only youth meetings at. That led to an unpaid internship that wrecked my faint. Left me with huge unanswered questions and very bitter. (long story short the church hired someone to do what I was for free and I was left out of what I help build, Also the church was preaching and leading against scripture in many ways so in a way, it was a good thing that it didn't work out.)

Then Right after starting my master's degree, I got sick. Like within the first semester almost died. So yea, I am bitter too. But my faith has stayed strong through all of that because I have seen enough evidence of the truth that I can not accept it. For me, Faith is my choice but not something I try to push on others, because the truth is it took me losing my faith in 2008-2012 to find it again and know it is true.
my computer.
my tv

doctor pepper

sausage rolls

music (that's a big one)

mint tea


nappies (I have often gone really badly and thought, I am so glad I have a nappy on.)
My faith is the number one thing I could not live without, the Bible-basic instructions before leaving earth. water, my computer, TV-even though I don't watch it that much living alone nice to have it on during the day, the brain hears people talking. I like being around people, I live in a park where there are lots of people my age. I hate living alone. Lots of activities.
So one thing that is my go-to is this Bible set. I have a lot of study bibles but just to read this is the best. Not a cheap set of bibles as even on sale they are almost $300. When I say I have a lot of Bibles, Not counting this set I have 11 different study bibles.

The other thing I have a lot of is commentaries which are breakdowns of the certain biblical text.

that Fla guy, evil is everyway especially in the church. We are all sinners, some just have starting using the Lord's house to promote sin. I don't even think they are aware of it. Evil is tricky that way, all we can do is pray for them. Don't let evil rule your life, there is too much joy to behold. Remember we live better than most of the world.
I wish I had some commentaries, I do have the computer and sometimes I watch Father on EWTN talk about different stuff in the Bible. I learn stuff remembering is the hard thing.
BarbaraDrabek said:
I wish I had some commentaries, I do have the computer and sometimes I watch Father on EWTN talk about different stuff in the Bible. I learn stuff remembering is the hard thing.

Barbara... Here is a great website with free ebooks by some of the best Christian authors. Almost all of them can be read in google books you just download them and then upload them to google books. Or if you have an e-reader like a kindle then you can download them there.

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