The things you get use to. Blood work.


Staff member
So tomorrow is the follow-up with the lab to recheck my blood work.

Crazy to think that just a few years ago I would pass out if they even brought a needle around me. Now I am like just do what you have to.

So they are doing a full set of labs to check everything this time because some of the things going on don't make sense for someone my age without all the other stuff I have going on.

So, yea. Labs tomorrow and then back to physical therapy on Thursday.

Yep, I am going to be crazy busy.
I never thought I would be spending so much time at the doctor crap myself. I am going though Medicare to have my rotator cuff done for it is not getting better and the case manager wanted a second opinion on the tear. It was caused by the fall and got worse. I went though urgent care the next day instead of the emergency room for I did not want them poking and prodding me to dearth and making my trauma area worst. I went home and put ice everywhere and rested. This was smart, it was not smart going to the urgent care and not complaining about other stuff. This was not smart. When you fall and get checked out you need to have everything covered. I do not complain enough about stuff to begin with. I need to learn how to do this. I think I might have gotten a lawyer to help me. One just doesn't know. So this being said we will see what happens. I had my check up and was going to go have someone drive me to Orlando for the surgery(3.5 hour drive each way) and have the federal doctor do it. However both the surgical nurse and her protocols were way off base. Telling me I had a urinary track infection when I did not. Making me get a letter from a urologist instead of internist who can read the blood work as well as a urologist. I did have an abnormal EKG which I am having checked out on June 3,2021. I should be ok I hope. So I get it. Nice to share all our doctor crap with people who understand. When they did a cat scan to check my bladder -they found two kidney stones in my right kidney. They are unobtrusive and I am told to drink more water which I am trying to do. The thing is when you have to pea all the time and don't make it all the time-it pisses me off. So I understand what everyone goes though. When I had the functioning brain tumor, I leaked all the time in my pants. IT was very embarrassing to say the least. I could not hold it at all ever. With 3 therapy sessions for incontinence-I need to go back since I will not be able to do my core exercises. So I need help-bummer. FL Guy-good luck and boasammy keep the faith..
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