Thank you.


Staff member
Thanks to everyone who responded to my previous thread as well as those who I’ve private messaged. It means so much to have these conversations with people who understand. It’s crazy how kind strangers can be and it makes this so much better.

I hated every second of being in diapers before, but over the course of the last week being on this site, I’m starting to finally accept it.

In a weird way I’m more comfortable with it even where I’m uncomfortable and nervous when I’m not wearing one for fear of an accident. They are oddly becoming a safety net/ security blanket for me and my life has improved from reading your kind comments and interacting with you all.

So thank you, and happy holidays.
You are very much in good company. Over 10 years in diapers and it still feels awkward but I appreciate them later when they are wet and my pants are dry. I'm not sure if it ever feels like regular underwater that I never gave a second thought to.
However you work out the medical Q and A (some of us never do get a straight answer or even a "great" solution)know this site has many who've travelled the self esteem journey and we are all much better for communication here.
Be well stay in touch.
I don't think I have ever replied to any of your posts, but if you ever want to chat you can pm me any time.
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