Testing positive for covid.


Staff member
I guess my 2 trips to the er for a kidney infection has gotten me a positive covid test. I tested positive Thursday. When it rains it pours.
Sorry to read this EJ. I hope you get well soon and can get back to life. I know how bad this covid stuff sucks so, relax and do what the Doc's tell ya.
Don't throw in the towel yet. You have survived so far being a fighter and you'll beat this too. michael in canada
I imagine drinking lots of water is called for. If I'm right about this (Google could tell you for sure), please make sure you do- other issues (u.i.) not withstanding. Okay?
Have you gotten the monoclonal antidote? I understand if used quickly after testing positive it can make the disease less trouble.
Hi EJ I'm sorry to hear that! I agree with FLGuy to do what the docs tell you and let's just hope it's a false positive. You are a tough guy and and we're rooting for you. Hope you feel better soon!
One thing that I just read about... People with high cholesterol seem to have a worse time with covid than those with low cholesterol. Apparently the covid attaches to the cholesterol in the blood stream and causes worse effects. I have high cholesterol myself, but my doc has me on meds for it.

So if cholesterol is an issue for you, google search it, read up on it, and keep up on your meds!

That DOES somewhat explain why kids seem to handle it better, kids usually don't have cholesterol problems.
I hope it's one of the mild cases! You've gone through plenty already. I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with this, too.
@justej Sorry to hear that. Keeping you in my thoughts. I just hope one day sometime soon the Covid era will finally be over.

The only real practical advice I can offer is be careful with what you eat. I've potentially had it twice and when I had it the first time I was craving carbs and didn't want any protein so just ate carbs for days. It ended up making the nausea worse, so much so it made it difficult to drink. The second time I made sure I was getting some protein down me and the nausea was better.
EJ, so sorry to hear the news. Maybe this is the end of the bad news and it all gets better from hear. We are all rooting for you!
Thanks everyone. My urine culture came back (why I went to the hospital in the first place to treat a uti/kidney infection.) I’ve somehow gotten Klebsiella Pneumoniae. So yea I’m on an antibiotic that is supposed to treat the pneumonia so I’ve just got to hope that works and come out of this covid thing ok and we will be good to go!
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