suggestions please


Staff member
I am 22 and female have been incontinent all my life at night and during the day with urge incontinence.this has always affected my confidence does anyone else suffer with this. Has anyone had experience with Botox in the bladder? Did it help you. I don't drink that much when I am out but now when my bladder is almost empty it gets really sore. never used to happen before I got Botox. Any suggestions to stop my bladder controlling my life. Thanks
Hi. I'm a 63yr old woman who had Botox injections for the first time in early June. They have helped me tremendously. I did, however, develop a bladder infection two weeks ago and was voiding like crazy but since I started taking Cipro, my bladder has calmed down and I'm feeling great. My urogynecologist told me that it would take about a month for the Botox to start working, and it has. I can get more Botox injections six months (minimum) after the initial ones. I recommend seeing a urogynecologist as opposed to a regular urologist. You may also be a candidate for an inter stem (spelling). Unfortunately I'm not because I am a diabetic and my nerves aren't in the best shape. I wish you good luck.
I'm also a 22 year old woman who has had these problems my entire life. I was on Imipramine at night and it helped tremendously with the bedwetting. I was reluctant to talk to my doctor about the day time urge incontinence so unfortunately that never got treated. I hope that the Botox works out for you. I'm sorry that I can't give any insight on that particular treatment but I definitely get what you're going through.
thanks everyone glad i'm not the only one out there. I was really optimistic about the botox in the first month it was working now its sort of working.

The other problem is my bladder is stiff not a great combination. waiting to see my doctor again to see whats happening.
It could be an issue with tissue building up on the inside wall of the bladder, which would limit your capacity. I know someone who had that issue.

I am an age 25 female with OAB. So your issues, I get it. Botox is not only expensive but it is also temporary. Over several years it may not work very well. Having said that, if it works for you I am happy for you.

A bit about me. People that know me understand that I don't like meds. I do bladder training and make sure I drink water instead of the drinks I love.

Best Wishes!


Look at my thread titled "Bladder Training", from about 10 months ago. It explains the basics. The are sites online as well. It helps! But no complete cure.

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