Stressed backwards is desserts.


Staff member
We all have a go to food. Mine is these donuts I can only get around where I live. Right now I could down two dozen of them with the amount of stress I am under.

The bad news, work messed up my FMLA and now I have to get it redone and it has to be right.

The good news, my HR rep is on my side and told corporate HR where the issue was.

The bad news, my short term disability ins is switching me over to long term disability which means a lot more paperwork, less pay out and more doctor visits..

The good news, I got a doctor's appointment quicker by explaining that I had to be seen ASAP. It's Monday...wish it was sooner but that is all that they have..

The bad news, I have to wait until Friday to get my back pay from September..

The good news, my parents (ie my dad finally realized that I need help and is going to make sure that I am okay before leaving for Florida again)

The bad news, I don't know what the full term disability pays out for the first part. I know it's in steps. Ie 70% then 60%. But I don't know when it will start because I have more short term available.. at the 60% mark I can't pay all of my bills so...

I am in better spirits but worried that I will be like this longer than I thought.

Don't know yet how all of the paperwork is going to go but I am ready to fight for what I need.
Dotting the i's and crossing the t's is just half the battle these days. Keep copies and notes of conversations. Best of luck!:eek: Wear glasses to read the fine print :D
The good news is you are perseverance intelligent and have a sense of humor which are serving you well.
God bless you, man.
To that Fla guy. I know exactly about short term disability pay. Back in 2015, I was on it for 6 months then. Got 40% of my 800.00 week pay, less taxes, insurance, 401k, etc. Which left me with about 130.00 net pay. Luckily my house was paid for. Was very difficult to make ends meet. Finally, went back to work after 6 months only to laid off, due to "lack of work ", which was bullshit. They had modified duty,but you could only get it if you get hurt on the job. They had plenty of work for people who made less money and were younger. Company was great to work for, HR is the worst, they had their favorites.
Hi FLGuy, If you're getting your September back pay on Friday it's only tomorrow! So hang in there! Tomorrow will get here soon!
And it's also good that you're continuing to persevere and fight for your rights! Just keep it up and take it one day at a time (at least that's what people always tell me!)
And the only other suggestion for you now is when you make a doctor's appointment and they give you a date that seems a long way to go, just ask to be called if someone else should cancel their appointment and then they can squeeze you in sooner. I do that sometimes and just hope someone decides to cancel!
Just keep looking up and don't give up!
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