Speaking the hard truth


Staff member
I have been incontinent my entire life and it has taken me this long to just come out and say it “I wear diapers” and proud of it because they make me live a normal life. I use to be so ashamed of my problem until a dear friend told me about a book that I should read and it changed my life. I now have a better understanding of shame and the effects it can have on everything in your life the book is “I thought it’s just me”. Life changing book no it’s not about incontinence but it makes you feel like life happens and to get on you must undo the shame I hope this helps anyone ashamed of having our condition and many other conditions so we can Live, Love, Laugh
coming to the realization and admitting the fact that you are incontinent or a bedwetter can be difficult you basically go through the same phases of the grief, of course, the final stage is acceptance

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