Spam, more than just a lunch meat


Staff member
Just so you know, this group only shows up in my Spam box. But it has opened up a rich vein of new friendship and monetary offers i would never have thought to answer. Lawyers, widows and good Samaritans from around the world are offering me millions in return for a few details about me.

Elijah and computer experts, please weigh in. If i send them back sarcastic wit will it increase their correspondence ? Trojan horse me? A concerned citizen tells me everyy year that a spinster lesbian friend with 2 dogs, no kids, was in a car accident in Ethiopia and her children and she are in the hospital. Send money.
I have no truck with charlatans but the temptation is strong to respond...
Comedian James Veitch responds to them and had a lot of YouTube videos of it, kinda funny if you wanna watch. But yeah it will definitely increase the amount of spam you get, they know then that they have a valid email address of someone who checks that and will just inundate you with it.
Spam artists are like wildlife in a national park... DON'T FEED THE BEARS!

The videos mentioned above are quite funny but leave that to the professionals!!

If they feel they have a live one on the line they will throw all they can at you!
Oh my God yes do NOT respond back. As tempting as it is. I will admit I once had a call from the "IRS" and I led them on for awhile. Then I asked the guy to be my husband and he told me to f off and hung up. Boy I never knew the IRS was so rude!
Sometimes i wonder. The spammers you mention just haven't bought the valid lists from the Equifax breach, to name just one huge source. Too cheap. I get those spammers, too, but a lot less than i used to. I respond to none, and I only "unsubscribe" from legitimate businesses and organizations. My wife gets a lot more - due to her use of FaceBook. Now there is a piece of MalWare. Just designate them as spam to your email program. If your program can block, all the better. I do that to the phone spammers. "Does AK" stand for "Arkansas" or "Alabama"? (Yeah, they were stupid enough to ask that. To cap it off, he called two times, and didn't realize he was talking to the answering Machine. I was tempted to save those, they were so funny.) Block. Call me with a "Name Withheld"? Block. Call me with an 800 number that is at 855 or higher? Block. Call me at 4 AM with a number i don't recognize? Block. Call me with one of those that i don't get to on time, then my wife's phone rings immediately? She's one number higher than mine.) Block, and stop my wife from answering. Now we are going through the Publisher's Clearing House scam calls - again.
Maybe i can find a programmer who could automate all that?
Responding to spammers will likely find you responding to a BOT. It (the BOT -- robot) is programmed to data mine your response for items such as an Email address, ISP location, name, etc.

No matter how much fun or how witty your reply is, you end up giving information to the spammer and the laws of unintended circumstances will quickly kick in (against you).

Don't offer ANY kind of response. Ditto for robo-calls. Those spammers already have your phone number and probably your name and home address, too !!.

Don't feed them.
Right, i was bored. I pick through zillions of spam to find the NAFC posts and some are just so amusing.
I like fried spam.
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