sling surgery


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I am looking for any pros and cons about having this surgery. I really am hoping to minimize my incontinence if I can. My prostate surgery was in April. Thank you
I had the remeex sling in october. the first 2 week were great less that 2 OZ. than i got over active bladder form the surgery. now my leakage is more that 3 time my leakage was before surgery. when i do my research 25% of people get over active bladder after surgery. Not sure how long ir will last but a serious let down. Il post as things progress.
Definitely do your research. Go to someone who does a lot of both Sling and AUS surgery. A urologist who specializes in incontinence treatment.
After a year of not much progress from incontinence post RP I went to see a specialist in the Philadelphia area. I was hoping for the sling because I wanted to preserve the same functionality when it comes to voiding. After examining me he felt the sling would be inadequate for resolving my incontinence. I had the AUS in September and it worked well. I am finally out of diapers and wearing a pad. Two weeks ago I saw my surgeon for a post op visit and he feels I need to do an adjustment to the cuff as I am still changing pads every few hours when I am working. I’m scheduled for January 8 to do this.
I’m not advocating either procedure but do go to someone who does a lot of these procedures. They are minor surgeries but have to be done well to give you the best outcome.
I was disappointed initially to have to get the AUS but it easy and works well.
Good luck and please do your research
I would suggest that you take a good look at AUS instead of Sling. The surgery isn't much different.
I leak less than 1/2 oz a day, mostly residual pee.I use 1/2 a woman light pad. My life is virtually normal. No physical restrictions.
I agree with the previous comments. I had the Boston Scientific sling in Nov 21 and it worked great. Virtually no leakage - I don’t have to wear pads. If you had surgery in April, I believe it’s too soon to have either sling or AUS. You need to see pelvic floor specialists and try all the other things to get dry before surgery. Have a good Dr that you trust and follow their advice. Also doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion.
I agree with @harrisjmh. If your surgery was April 2023, getting either sling or AUS is premature! You should be doing kegels/PT and ideally seeing a physical therapist. You need to wait at least 12 to 18 months before considering surgical follow up! Some urologist advise wauting 2 years.
I will go along with the last two guys. I am 11 months out from surgery and still working at getting my continence back via Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. It has improved my situation but not yet resolved it. I am finding that my diet plays a major role also. With the holidays I have been eating and drinking things that are known bladder irritants, but I'm willing to suffer a little rather than have a Bah Humbug Christmas. When I get back to a regular diet, I hope to see even more improvement. I am willing to give it a two year effort before I ask for a sling or AUS.
As I had post-RP radiation, I was not a good candidate for the sling due to scarring of the tissue. I did all of the pelvic floor exercises, and took Botox injections, which cut my leakage in half. However, as the Botox wore off, I returned to essentially full incontinence. I had the AUS surgery last June and now only leak a few drops at most. My doctor had 30+ years of AUS experience, and had written a chapter on the AUS surgery for a textbook. So doctor selection is critical. Good luck.
I had the Boston Scientific Advanced sling in January 2023 and it changed my life, for the better. I still use a light shield but am basically dry snd I feel almost normal. My RP was December 2, 2019. Even after intensive PT for years I continued to leak. Note: I was immediately dry after the sling surgery but my recovery from the sling surgery took six months as the area was quite tender. Highly recommend the sling surgery, especially the new design that reportedly has teeth on the sling do it won’t slip/loosen.
Thanks so much for all the helpful information. I’m 10 months post RP and still leaking 250-350ml/day but mostly dry at night. Besides Kegels, what other treatments did you try prior to surgery? Also did anyone consider the Proact surgical device?
I went over 2 years doing kegels and meds but had very little success. Got AUS in April and I’m very happy, I use 1 light pad per day for droplets primarily because I don’t wait long enough for the AUS to reactivate verses 2 diapers and 4 or 5 pads daily.
But I agree with all who said it’s too soon for AUS or Sling. I understand your frustration, all of us here were frustrated, even though I felt I was the most frustrated, I’m one of those guys that like to get things done right away. I endured and I’m well pleased. Good luck to you.
Greg8, yes I’m curious about Proactive device, as it appears to be less invasive, quicker recovery, quicker installation, more easily remover/adjusted, and cheaper then other surgeries for incontinence. But for unknown reasons few urologist are performing this surgery. In fact, I mentioned recently in this forum that my wife went to a young, Mayo urologist. After my wife’s care, I asked about his knowledge of Proact. He knew nothing and proceeded to Google it. Seems like it’s relatively new to the profession, unfortunately. But I’m still interested if you discover anything.
Lots of good information here for you to process. I myself had robotic rp in may 2022 and never was able to regain continence. Doing kegels and seeing pelvic floor pt didn’t seem to help me. Saw a great urologist who specializes in AUS surgery among other things and he very much recommended the AUS device. Had the surgery on October 17 2023 and it has absolutely been life changing for me. I had no control before surgery and now I don’t even need to wear protection of any kind. So far I don’t even leak when I cough or sneeze. Saw my dr yesterday and I am cancer free and not leaking! Please do your research and make your decision with whatever you feel most comfortable with. For me the AUS device was a blessing!! Best of luck to you moving forward and God bless!
The decision to have more surgery after RP is a personal one for sure .Many of us will wait a year or two doing Kegals .Some will be successful with others not so much. Many will suck it up and live
With the pads. Most of us aren't spring chickens.
I was 78 in good health and active, the leaking put my life on hold and pretty much ruled it.After 6 mo I had had it. My dr didn't think I would get back to normal.
How many good years did I have left ? Did I want to spend some of them "waiting for Godot"
I went for the AUS and never looked back. If you wait a year +
don't forget to add another 6-12 mo for tests, scheduling,the 6 week recovery etc.
I'm 68yo, had robotic RP August 2021. Saw a physiotherapist who specialises in pelvic floor not long after surgery and was what she described as just about her most diligent client ever with my exercises for 12 months and got back to 90 - 95% continent, but then I plateaued despite continuing with the exercises daily. My leakage was triggered by activity and wasn't severe but was really annoying as I like to stay active walking my dog and working in my sizeable vegetable garden in my retirement and I could feel the little involuntary squirts while doing my garden jobs. I discussed it with my Urologist at my 18 month followup and he advised he doubted I could achieve any further improvement naturally and recommended sling surgery. Before committing to the surgery I went back to the physio and we reviewed my exercise pattern and tried some different exercises for a few months but I wasn't able to achieve any significant improvement. So at my 2year followup with the Urologist I consented to the sling surgery and am now recovering at home after having an Advance XP Sling surgically fitted 11 days ago. I have experienced quite a lot of swelling and soreness post surgery, particularly in the testicular area, and while I haven't needed to take painkillers since around day 5 it is still quite uncomfortable. Initial results seem good, I am not experiencing any involuntary squirts so far, but then I am not being very active as per Urologist instructions ~ he wants me to avoid heavy garden work, particularly any activity that spreads my legs, for a good 3 months ~ so it may be a while before I can assess that aspect. What I am noticing in the short term is that when I do pee, while I am able to generate a good stream and pretty much empty my bladder, there is quite a bit of slow dribble that takes a while to emerge when I finish ~ I am hoping this will improve as I recover and the sling settles in.
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