Six months and counting.


Staff member
It has been a long six months of wear 24/7. I have learned a lot and accepted that this is what it is. Having learned just how bad all my muscles in my pelvic floor are as well the issue with my puborectalis not functioning right and not on the right angle. I have a better picture of what my long outcome is... The thing I fear most is another surgery. My physical therapist wants to do an evaluation in January to determine with Gastroenterologist and PCP to see what options I have, risks, and side effects. I am going to try to get to Florida for Christmas so I can see family and then the first of the year will be big. What I have to make sure of is that my parents are around when and if surgery is going to happen. So I have to schedule it around that.
Hi FlGuy, Hopefully you won't need surgery but if you do you would definitely be wise to see that your parents are around because it would be good to have their support. I think that's the smart thing to do!
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