Reasons for Adult Bedwetting


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Reasons for Adult Bedwetting

According to the National Association for Continence, adult bedwetting during the night is known as nocturnal enuresis. It occurs when an involuntary voiding of urine occurs during sleep. There are two types of nocturnal enuresis. The first type is persistent primary nocturnal enuresis. This condition begins during childhood and is characterized by nighttime dryness occurring for no longer than six months. The second type is called adult-onset nocturnal enuresis as is defined as nocturnal enuresis in which dryness is achieved at some point in life, for varying lengths of time, and then nighttime bedwetting begins in adulthood.

According to the National Association for Continence, genetics may play an important role in causing nocturnal enuresis. One study found that a person with two bedwetting parents has a 77 percent chance of becoming a bedwetter. A person with one bedwetting parent has a 40 percent chance of becoming a bedwetter. The study indicates that these percentages do carry over into adulthood.

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Anatomical or Physiological Causes
Nocturnal enuresis may be caused by an anatomical or physiological factor. The National Association for Continence reports that a lack of the antidiuretic hormone, or ADH, may be one cause of adult bedwetting. Normally, the hormone stimulates the kidneys to produce less urine at night. People who do not produce enough hormones will produce more urine at night. In other cases, the body produces enough antidiuretic hormone, but the kidneys fail to respond to the hormone and keep making urine overnight. Either situation may lead to adult bedwetting. Another cause of nocturnal enuresis may be a small functional bladder capacity. Functional bladder capacity is the amount of urine the bladder will hold before signaling the brain to urinate. Since the bladder capacity is decreased, the bladder never gets to fully relax and keeps signaling the brain to urinate even during sleep. An overactive detrusor muscle may be another cause of nocturnal enuresis. The detrusor muscle is the muscle that contracts during urination. An overactive detrusor muscle can lead to incontinence during the day as well as at night.

Medical Conditions
According to, several medical conditions can cause nocturnal enuresis. Some of those conditions include diabetes, urinary tract infection, obstructive sleep apnea, and cancers of the bladder or prostate. Urinary tract stones, prostate enlargement, and neurological disorders may also lead to nocturnal enuresis. In addition, the National Association for Continence reports that some medications may include nocturnal enuresis as a side effect. Some of those medications include drugs taken for insomnia or psychiatric purposes like thioridazine, clozapine, and risperidone. Anyone experiencing nocturnal enuresis should check ask his doctor whether a medical condition or medication may be the cause of the bedwetting.

Psychological Causes
The National Association for Continence reports that in rare cases a psychological condition may be the cause of nocturnal enuresis in adults. Such psychological conditions may include acute anxiety or emotional disorders. Anyone experiencing nocturnal enuresis should consult a physician for a full examination.

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My nocturnal enuresis is caused because I fell down a cliff and severed some nerves and discs entirely, for life - a condition called Neurogenic Bladder.
My bedwetting is very random. It only happens occasionally and there is not real identifiable trigger when it happens. That said I do know that over the years if I am stressed out or over tired there is a high chance that I might bedwet that night or nights.
diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder almost 20 years ago. Explained my lifelong bedwetting and daytime leaking issues. always worn diapers at night and added disposables for daytime use after I was diagnosed. Stress levels regarding wetting dropped to almost zero.
I’ve read BPH can cause bed wetting eventually. I have BPH and I don’t soak the bed however I’ve noticed I leak more and more leaving large wet spots if I don’t wear a pad. Several men with BPH have said that they became bed wetters over time. I have to say it scares the heck out of me thinking it could be my future.
How you can tell when it's going to be a rotten day (rearranged from the original email)
by Unknown - But troubled

You wake up and discover your waterbed broke and then you realize that you don't have a waterbed.
Then you put the sheets in the clothes washer and there's no water.
You want to put on the clothes you wore home from the party and there aren't any.
You turn on the news and they're showing emergency routes out of the city.
On the highway your car horn goes off accidentally and remains stuck as you follow a group of Hell's Angels on the freeway.
You call your answering service and they tell you it's none of your business.
That's one ROTTEN DAY

ritanofsinger said:
How you can tell when it's going to be a rotten day (rearranged from the original email)
by Unknown - But troubled

You wake up and discover your waterbed broke and then you realize that you don't have a waterbed.
Then you put the sheets in the clothes washer and there's no water.
You want to put on the clothes you wore home from the party and there aren't any.
You turn on the news and they're showing emergency routes out of the city.
On the highway your car horn goes off accidentally and remains stuck as you follow a group of Hell's Angels on the freeway.
You call your answering service and they tell you it's none of your business.
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