Reality check.


Staff member
Gas prices here in Pennsylvania are at $4+ a gallon. Diaper prices are going up and my pain level is crazy right now.

All I want to do is get out of the house and take some photos but I can't sleep due to pain so I end up laying in bed or sitting on the couch in the fetal position all the time.

I know that an ostomy is not going to fix my issues but if it gets me a better quality of life then I feel like it's worth it. It is not something I want, but rather seems to be the only option I have left.

The real question is if an ostomy is going to fix my stomach pain.

Big day next Wednesday and it can't get here soon enough.

I am hoping to get for surgery as soon as possible if my surgeon can because my parents are only here for set days right now.

Truly need something to change soon.
Remember, you need to see a pain doctor ASAP. It is crucial that you see one before surgery because you’ll be lucky if you get 7 days’ worth of pain pill relief prescribed following your surgery. Non-pain specialists don’t prescribe real pain medicine any more, nor for very long.

Gas is $6.50 in Southern California.
P.S. Sorry to hear you’re feeling so blue. Your will to live is remarkable. I don’t think I could do it!

During the temporary implant, they gave me a prescription for Oxycodone but I cannot take it because it has bad interactions with other meds so I never even filled the prescription and let my surgeon know.

I did have the chat with him last time and I am going to again on the 9th because he wasn't the one that prescribe the oxy last time so.

He knows that if we have to wait then I need something so I hope it goes well.
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