Rant time... GRR.


Staff member
As A former security guard with every sign off and security clearance you could get in the state of Florida I almost put my good Christian/ ordained into ministry card back in my proverbial wallet this morning and cursed a dude out. So work has bag checks and metal detectors and this rent a cop (Yea I said it) wanted me to dump out my bag... That will never fly with me. And never fly with my company. Our management team has to bring backpacks as their laptops are issued and go home with them as well as cell phones ect.. This dude was straight up going to dump my bag out and I was like.. Nope you may look inside like you do everyone else, and I will pass it through the metal detectors but anything more than that will be done in front of my HR team. The security guards and hired in and do not work for our company so he was being butt about it but I won because my My Gm was leaving the same time as I was and I called him over and said do I really have to dump this bag out for this dude and then showed my GM who know about my issue my bag and he straight told the rent a cop not to bother me. He was Like Tom is an ordained minister and the stuff in his bag is no one else business. Made me feel good that he stood up for me like that but had he not been there you may have heard about me opening a cap of wop butt on the news... I am too sick, and too messed up to deal with BS from someone that works for my place of business.

I have flow through both Philadelphia and Atlanta Airports with less hassle that this morning. GRRR..
Sorry for your problems. I have passed through Atlanta Airport several times wearing full protection ie a nappy and plastic pants. With my carry on bag stuffed with ino supplies and had a coursery search and quick frisk down with no problems. The guy just smilled at me when he realised I was wearing a nappy.
ThatFLGuy...Seems like the devil works his hardest to hassle ordained folk!
I am an ordained So. Baptist pastor (Golden Gate Baptist Seminary) and am not preaching at the time. With my wife's illness (that's why I'm a member here) plus a voice box issue, I'm on sidelines. I retired from my secular job (respiratory therapist) about 3 years ago.
God's timing provided Tom to come along! Thank you Lord! Glad you remained cool!
Hey FLGuy, or Tom, Bob1 was right about God's timing when your GM happened along at just the right time!!!:D Boy, were you ever lucky!!! God does work in mysterious ways! And your manager is completely 150 percent right in that what a long-time employee carries in a bag every day to work is no one else's business. Obviously the security guy must've been new and needs lessons in how to deal with the public! Or maybe is your company's security outfit new or was it just the guard? What a way to start the morning! But I hope the rest of the day was better! And also you never know who your friend is going to be.
Right in the beginning - like the 1st week after 9-11 - TSA apparently hired indiscriminately. We were a very small, isolated city (on a island, no roads in & out). One of their new hires was someone we'd just fired for cause - which included lying to the State and the feds. They went overboard at the airports all over the state. I still don't know how you hijack a plane with a nail clipper to this day. But some of them got pretty unpleasent - it went to their heads. That's mostly corrected, near as I can tell. It's not a job I'd want. TSA deals with the public, random, and I've seen some passengers act up worse than the Agents. (Lord, is that dumb). I have noticed they examine the bags, neither dumping or open and rummaging, a whole lot. Or they ask you to show then an object that appeared on the scanner.
Where it isn't corrected is exactly what happened to you - private security. I hope your GM took that to his private security company. Sure glad you stood up to him.
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