Rant level 3,000


Staff member
Well I almost took my angel on my shoulder and tosted him across the room today and let the demon out.

So here is what happened. I said that my short term disability ins was requesting more information from my GP....

That is because the dumb butt doctor never put anything on the paperwork saying I was or will be out of work...In fact he put that I have no restrictions of any kind and that all I need is a bathroom break every hour for.... get this...five minutes...(it takes longer than five minutes to get to the bathroom and heaven forbidden I have to change or someone else is in the only handycap stall.

Pissed of was not even the word..

My insurance rep had me send over my FMLA paperwork and was even piss off when she Sall that my GP put what he did on my paperwork for work but would put nothing on the paperwork for short term disability ins.

So pissed of.

I am going to be getting a new GP and my main GI doctor has taken over my care from the other GI doctor that has not been able to see me.
That's crazy it takes that long to walk to toilet in some workplaces. Let alone get everything out of you.

Definitely get a new GP check out ratings and stuff like that for GPS.

I'm ireland anytime I see a new person in charge of or helping me with medical stuff I check them out online if I can.
FLGuy, A five minute break every hour is just not cutting it! Whoever decided that needs to get on the fast track to reality. It's obvious that this guy has no idea that it will take longer than five minutes to change, let alone need time to get there and get back and he obviously didn't consider that someone else could be in the handicapped stall, further delaying you. That five minutes is just an arbitrary number this joker pulled out of thin air and said to live with it.
That said, I'm glad to see you're getting a new GP and hopefully he or she will have even a modicum of a clue to what's going on! And also hopefully your new doctor and the GI doctor will be able to work in coordination to set you up with a reasonable care plan. And please check out the new doctor online so at least you get some indication of what lies ahead for you as a patient.
Our wearhouse is 900,000 SQ feet and only has three bathrooms. So I am always 100 plus yards away from a bathroom. On top of that, this same freaking doctor fill out my FMLA paperwork stating that I would have to be out of work when dealing with incontinence, constipation and pain. I am peeing in a pull up two to three times a day, while I'm at home. I'm having bowel accidents sometimes more than that a day. Pain Wise is a 6 to 8 all of the time and I can't even feel when I have to go until I have seconds to get to the bathroom. These doctors are making me feel like they are not here to help me get better. Worst thing is that I don't have a choice but to work with them because my short term disability ins wants the last doctor that saw me to fill out the paperwork..

Why....why with everything I am going through do I have to deal with this crap too.
Hi FlGuy, that's not very many bathrooms for that big a warehouse. But unfortunately that type of place is not really designed for people with various handicapping conditions. A deaf person or someone unable to talk with no other disabilities could probably function in such a setting, or maybe someone with certain types of visual impairments. But for someone who has the type of incontinence you have it is just a hassle. And having pain that's on a six to eight level (with 10 being the worst) all the time doesn't help either. From reading between the lines it seems the doctors you're dealing with are overwhelmed. They probably have to see so many patients in an hour and to keep that "score," for lack of a better word, they probably short-change you and every other patient. I get the feeling they belong to a large medical group and the bean counters in the executive suite are ruling the roost! :( I think I would be inclined to just try to find another doctor. Maybe your mom can help you with that. Then just bail out of the group where you are and tell them point-blank, "It doesn't look like you're going to be able to help me. And I'm sorry for that." But we'll just keep trying until things are set right!
@ThatFLGuy A five minute break every hour sounds insane and like quasi-Victorian working conditions! My only advice is to keep on pushing and/or switch doctor until you get someone understanding or results. I've found that's the only thing to do in these kind of scenarios.
@ThatFLGuy, That whole warehouse set-up does not sound at all suitable for a lot of disabilities, especially with what you're dealing with. I agree changing jobs would be a good solution, but is this warehouse the only real opportunity for work in your area? Is your warehouse (and your home for that matter) in a rural area? If so that would really narrow down any choices for employment.
@ThatFLGuy My dad is an architect. He says your warehouse doesn’t comply with ADA code if the bathrooms are that far apart. Since they’re jerks, anonymously turn them into the building code department. You’re probably not the only person who has experienced difficulty there. Companies get fined daily for such violations. Give them what they deserve.
Wow! There you go! That says it all, @snow! At the building code department (probably in the county seat) take somebody into your confidence and give them an earful. And the company so richly deserves to be fined!
FYI. Some of the older buildings are grandfathered in and don't have to comply with all ADA codes. They have to make reasonable accommodations. Reasonable, is open to interpretation. My companies building was built in the early 70s and haven't made any handicap stalls yet, too expensive for the few who need it.
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