Random wetting


Staff member
I started posting on this forum a little while back when I developed what seemed to be urge incontinence which I thought might be linked to stress/anxiety as well as increased fluid intake - I used to be chronically dehydrated.

Anyway, previously when I have wet myself, I’ve had some indication it was going to happen - not enough time to get to the toilet but sudden desperation followed by wetting.

However, I’ve just been shopping at a large shopping centre and have had to carry really heavy bags back to my car - probably walked maybe half a mile. By the time I got to the car, I was feeling pretty tired, hot and my arms were aching but I didn’t need the toilet nor did I feel suddenly desperate. As I put the bags down, my body did relax I suppose and I wet myself. No warning, just wet myself in the car park- not a huge amount but enough to cause a slight wet patch on my jeans. Thankfully there was no one else around at the time. This is unlike what I’ve experience before and a little worrying to me.
If it happened as you bent over, there can be a few ideas. But the most concerning is nerve issues. I had this problem from ruptured discs in my lumbar spine. As I bent down, certain nerves would get pressed on and cause sudden urination and or stool. This pinching became nerve damage. I had lots of other nerve damage but this kind was gradual. And permanent after I let it go too long. If it keeps happening, I would get a referral to a neurologist. Either before or after the other possibilities are ruled out, but don't take too long. If it's a nerve issue, it can be a real pisser.
Pun intended, Steven? I agree! It’s scary when symptoms change, especially around something so difficult to deal with, Eleanor. You may have connections you need to make. For instance, is it cold where you are? Sometimes that Can cause wetting. Did you have more caffeine than usual? Could you have an infection? Making those connections can *help* avoid unexpected accidents. Hate it and hate it for you. B
Eleanor, these things happen to me all the time. I am a female69 but feel like a 40 year old. I have been dealing with incont. for many years. I tp to a eurognacolgist who I like real well. she has put botox in my bladder and it helps somewhat. I have less wetting episodes. Itys a real problem and very depressing. I was a bed wetter as a child and I think it alls a connection, some Drs say uts and others don't. Ihave been to a number of Drs, and have tried everything just about to no avail. I hope you get help and catch it early. I use p[ull ups all day with a pad inside them, with a plastic pants on to and its works pretty good . Good luck and I nhope you find a good Uroligistto help you.
LeeC, Assume that any and every pun that I make is always intended. Unless it is unintentional. 😜 oh and since it's a female, get looked at for bladder prolapse. I forgot that one.
EleanorRose said:
I started posting on this forum a little while back when I developed what seemed to be urge incontinence which I thought might be linked to stress/anxiety as well as increased fluid intake - I used to be chronically dehydrated.

Anyway, previously when I have wet myself, I’ve had some indication it was going to happen - not enough time to get to the toilet but sudden desperation followed by wetting.

However, I’ve just been shopping at a large shopping centre and have had to carry really heavy bags back to my car - probably walked maybe half a mile. By the time I got to the car, I was feeling pretty tired, hot and my arms were aching but I didn’t need the toilet nor did I feel suddenly desperate. As I put the bags down, my body did relax I suppose and I wet myself. No warning, just wet myself in the car park- not a huge amount but enough to cause a slight wet patch on my jeans. Thankfully there was no one else around at the time. This is unlike what I’ve experience before and a little worrying to me.
how are your pelvic floor muscles?

My random wetting is somewhat different. I do not have day issues but do occasionally bedwet (1-3 times a month and often more on the once a month end of things). While I never know if I will wet or not there are times where I can get a hint that there is a greater chance i.e. being stressed is one. However most the time it just out of the blue random happens. Not over tired, didn't drink (alcohol or non alcohol beverages the night before, no stress etc.

It really is so weird. Wetting the bed is the farthest thought and bam wake up wet in the morning. So I get that confused feeling you have over why did this just happen.

Best of luck and know were are here for you.
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