Question if anyone can advise, sudden urge to urinate


Staff member
I just joined this site and am hoping someone can advise me. Getting a doctor appointment these days is not easy and finding a doctor who will actually try to diagnose these days is another problem. Here’s my situation… I’m a 54 years young male. I am celibate and have been for years so there’s no chance of an STD. Lately, I’m feeling a very sudden urge to urinate as in a gallon of urine is in the tip of my penis head and is about to break down the door. No accidents have happened yet but it’s a little scary. I’d appreciate any insights. Thanks in advance
Welcome to the group as you try to sort this out.
The reasons for this or any incontence are very indiviual and no one can give you a medical diagnosis but if you can get to an Urgent care they can do some tests for things such as urinary tract infection and diabetes as a start this might help.

If you read the forum over time you will see the reasons for incontinence vary so much.
However! You are far from alone in even mild incontence symptoms and sudden urge in the broad scope of the country indeed internationally.
You might find trying a disposable mens depend while at home so you can see if it is discreet under your clothing yet will provide a small exrra peace of mind when you feel an urge but dont quite make it to the toilet even for a tiny drip.
Again, getting a medical check to sort this out for the reason for a change in your body is the most important thing

Do you see a primary care Dr regularly for check ups? Have you had PSA tests in the past? This is the best place to start. This forum is a great resource to compare other guys experiences with your own, but only a doctor can diagnose your problem. Your GP will find a urologist who may focus on your area of problems. You have to push for appointments these days and advocate for yourself. We pay enough to have health care. We should all get what we pay for. Good luck.
Thanks everyone. Honestly, I can’t seem to find a good doctor anymore. My past several physical exams have been a total joke with the docs writing me an Rx to get blood tests at labcorp and then I’ll get a report that basically says ok. One time I went for a physical and they didn’t even bother checking my vital signs. It’s not like I want to go to the doctor and get poked and prodded but it’s very frustrating how the quality of care (I.e. patient time with doctors) has been so reduced.
You could have a urinary tract infection that could spread into your kidneys and cause serious medical problems. Because you have had bad experiences dealing with doctors, I suggest that you try an urgent care center. You may find that you are being seen by a nurse practitioner who will be more attentive and thorough than an MD. It has been my experience that urgent care centers have a list of specialists to whom they refer patients, and they are not reluctant to do so. You may need to see a urologist. Any sudden change in bowel or bladder function should be looked into, as it may be a warning sign that something unhealthy is going on. I second Maymay941's suggestion that you buy some protective undergarments and try them out at home. They will provide peace of mind, and sometimes it's easier to maintain control if one is not anxious about the consequences of losing it.
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