Problem with latex allery


Staff member
I wear Depends pullups at night and recently developed a latex allery. I've noticed that I wake up after several hours and my groin and stomach itch. Does anyone know if pullup elastic is latex based? Could I be reacting to it?
I changed into regular underwear and pad and the itching passed. It's been very uncomfortable for some time and it occurred to me that his might be the problem.
Asking your doctor is good idea. I know of an informal test. If you can find one, anymore, wear a single latex exam glove on you non-dominant hand. Don't do it for too long! Or wrist bracelet. Using MayMay's idea is even better. Sometimes, these days, the "ingredients label" tells you.
Latex isn't the only "chemical" for allergies.
But hospitals always still ask if you have a latex allergy, so there must be a strong reason. Exam gloves of latex in a medical setting are rare, now.
The latex allergy started after prolonged use of the stretchy bandages that are used for pressure bandages. They are labeled latex. If I use them now, I first lay down rill bandaging to protect my skin. Bandaids have always given me itchies.
I would like to have my suspicions about the elastic confirmed. I'm going to do some digging.
When buying diapers, read the small print on the package. Many products state that they are “latex free.”
Go for it, MainiC1972. I got an adverse reaction to a 3M medical Tape adhesive in a hospital. they passed the issue on the 3M. Must have been many other reports. All I know is that the tape looked the same, a couple of years later, but the adhesive had been changed. Squeaky wheel, I suppose.
Can't wear diapers. They make me itch. I'm allergic to Latex. This doesn't mean diapers have Latex in them. There are other ingredients too. Think maybe it cuts off the air, the circulation. I have to wear cotton undies & pads. Poise overnight & Lane Bryant cotton undies. That way I don't get a rash.
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