Post void dribble question


Staff member
Hey all,
I’m new here and just looking for some advice. I’m a 32 year old male and over the past few months I’ve noticed my underwear are slightly damp after I use the restroom (about a half dollar size wet spot on my underwear). Was wondering if post void dribbling is normal or how much volume is normal after going. It’s not enough to show up on outer clothing but is enough to where I feel it coming out up to 10 minutes after I go. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!!
Get to a doctor. That was really the first sign of my overactive bladder. It ramped up pretty fast after that for me. It started when i was 32. Im 35 now and i still struggle mightily but am mostly able to control things. Theres Physical therapy and other options like medicine that docs have, and in the mean time, if the volume of leakage gets larger, dont be hesitant to use guards or pads. They can really reduce anxiety that can result from this.
My husband has the same issue, which can be embarrassing if the wetness gets through to the outer clothing. In my search for a suitable solution I found what I believe to be a new product called MDP4men. It is very discreet but gives him peace of mind and only the protection he needs. He no longer uses the pandemic as an excuse to always stay home!! Win, win.
I too started this way about the same age. Everyone experiences thing differently, so my story would not mean you would go the same path. It started the same, wet shorts after leaving the bathroom, but I could control it with TP or maybe two pair of underwear at once. I hid it from my wife as she was pregnant and had enough to deal with. Fast forward a bit and we were at dinner one night. I went to pee and came back to continue dinner. When we finished and stood up my pants were soaked. I had not idea as in the past I could feel it in my urethra coming out, but not this time. I tried pads, then over time pull ups. They worked for a few years. Now mid 40s are here and I had finally accepted diapers are the best solution for me. The bedwetting which did not happen in my past is now an almost certainty and that is very disturbing. There are some like me that gradually get more wet, not necessarily worse, with time. The most important thing right now is getting to a Dr. Make sure there is not more to the story than a lazy sphincter or overactive bladder. Take care of yourself and most importantly, let the shame of the situation not invade your mind. Wish you the best and always feel free to post and ask questions or just vent.
Happened to me from my late 40's onwards. This and the start of my night time wetting made me see the doctor. I found out I was diabetic.
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I started with this and also noticed I was leaking like a dripping tap. Guards are not bad but I found where I placed my penis in my pants, the guard was at its thinnest so I was staining my office chair badly.

I would recommend you make an appointment to discuss with a doctor. It might be a high bladder neck, enlarged prostate or diabetes, you don't know until you get a diagnosis.

Hope that helps and another tip is to squeeze the skin from the base of your scrotum and continue squeezing until you reach the urethra and that might help bring any urine left in your urethra out.
@Needinghelp After-dribble issues plagued me for years. I started to notice it more when I had to wear suits in my last two years of school. I didn't really think of it during my university years as I'd wear jeans but it was after having to wear suits to work that I started to get really self-conscious again, predominantly because of the smell issue. Definitely go and see a doctor, I regret having put it off for so long.

Other people's comments that it ramped up fast are interesting. Certainly my issues have gotten worse but that coincided with my long-Covid symptoms so I've always attributed the degradation to that. Given other comments on here, it may have gotten worse anyway it seems.
Sci, i have noticed that i have more leak issues when i am at home wearing sweats than jeans when in public. Ive sorta only attributed it to the belt. I always wear me belt a bit tight with jeans. Do you use a different belt or a different belt notch when wearing a suit? I don't wear suits often but when i do i usually loosen my bely by a notch.
Before I started wearing protection I found the same in that at home it always seemed worse. I think there were multiple reasons for that in that I also tend to wear sweatpants/tracksuits around the house and denim being tougher maybe it takes longer for the smell to be so noticable. Also, due to my dribbling issues, I'd always save jeans for just going out so I was probably spending less time in them as I wasn't wearing them for a full day. Plus, I tended to under-hydrate when out so that I wouldn't need the toilet. At home, I'd stay hydrated.

No change in belts etc. Re the suits, I attribute it to the fact that you wear them for multiple days. Before we had to wear suits at school in the sixth form (final two years) I'd wear a new pair of school trousers each day but then I went down to one a week when I started wearing suits as they were dry-clean only (looking back, it must have cost my parents a fortune!). I certainly felt the added pressure to keep them dry and would dread every time I went to the toilet. Plus, come Friday they'd smell pretty bad and I was really self-conscious. Looking back it's mad that I spent two years being really anxious about it. I guess that's it when you're a teenager - easier to suffer in silence than have an awkward conversation with your parents.

Once I had to wear suits to work the same anxiety hit. It's also when I figured something was up. I had a colleague who dry-cleaned his suit once a month or so whereas there was no way I could get that type of wear out of it. Around that time my IBS really flared up and I started using adult nappies for that overnight as a precaution (I'd had a rather embarrassing experience at a hotel and figured next time I had a flare up, I ought to take precautions). When I was wearing them they obviously absorbed any after-dribble leaks and it was great to finally have dry clothes. I then started using male guards on a daily basis (was too self-conscious to wear anything more substantial on a regular basis back then).

My issues have changed in that due to long-Covid symptoms my bladder issues have gotten a lot worse and rather than post-void dribble my main issues now are containing floods as more often that not, I can't make it to the toilet in time. I'm also still waiting for a urologist appointment (had one booked last Easter and I've been waiting ever since due to Covid) so don't know what's up.
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