I totally understand the test stressing you out. Is it the thought of the procedure, or the possible results from the procedure, that is most stressing you it out?
Anytime you, or your medical team, can gain greater insight as to what the best path forward might be, it is worthy of investigating. Thirty minutes of discomfort, to get a better understanding of what you should or could do next, may be worth it.
On the other hand, if it is the possible results of the test; be it good or bad, it is better to know, than not. I know this is easy to say, and often impossible to practice, as I have frequently failed at it, but worrying about the possible result is pointless because it is not going to change the results.
The upside of knowing is you will have a better understanding of whether the risk to reward balance makes it the right path for you. Knowing, doesn't mean you have to take action, it's just something to consider.
It's all of it. My last colonoscopy was back on the 11th of December and they had me do a two day clean out. Well the prep was only listed as good for the test and My doctor said that there was no mucus on the one side of my bowel. That is not good. She wants me seen after seen after this test with urology on the 31st but I got to wait tell I get all of the other follow up done.
The biggest thing is that she felt that I might need to up my meds but that make life suck (Cannot leave the house suck)
So after I see my physical therapist on the 20th I will know what is going on with muscles and can decided what to do next.
I do have an idea where this might be heading. The fact is that without more meds I feel sick. With more meds I am like a baby as far as my bowel accidents go.
There is not much of a happy place.
It is don't eat if I am going out until I am on my ride home (So go out, do what I want. Then eat and drive home)
Otherwise I risk a bowel accident while I am out.
If I take more meds (Meralax and stool softeners) then I am like a baby but feel better.
This test coming as well as PT is going to show where thing are.
That is what worries me.
I do not what to give up what little of a life I have right now to go back on more meds and not have a life.
And by life, I fast and them go play Magic the Gathering for a few hours. Come home and eat and sit up until my bowels kick back on.
So yea, not happy about anything test wise this month.
I will be good to see my PT again and see where thing are but the test on the 31st is going to suck.
And i still do not have any instructions or what else they are doing yet. (Going to call them on monday about that)